Louise Mensch, please sue me immediately
It would be the very best day of my life
First of all, Louise, my Substack is doing great! Grateful to all my subscribers!
Second, I will get my Twitter account back. But in the meantime, I’m getting a lot of work done, including nailing down your whole network. Feel free to keep proving my point.
For example, this is you larping with chaos agent Matt Donovan’s sock puppet account “octopus_teach” which is pretending to be a “concerned fan” of my podcast. This is intended to create defamatory content about me and my allies to discredit our accurate work in favor of your allies’ disinformation.
Third, please don’t wait to sue me. I normally don’t ask favors from dangerous disinformation agents but seriously, discovery would be so much fun!
ICYMI, Louise Mensch is a paid LARP, a harmful troll, an agent of a foreign power, and a colleague of chaos agent Doug Stewart. Louise pretended to have had a magical conversion to being a “Resister“ around the same time that foreign agent “KassandraSeven” did in Summer 2016.
Louise went to an event after the RNC with Erik Prince and Milo and, according to Milo, she promised to say a lot of stupid shit to make liberals look like conspiracy theorists.
Despite being a Brexit propagandist, Louise got started on her dumbassery right away. This is right after the 2016 election.
In early 2017, Louise teamed up with other fake “resisters” to inauthentically pump up each other’s follower counts. One of those fake resisters was “KassandraSeven” who is in reality a Russian-speaking former PR executive and failed blogger currently being paid to troll me full time.
Louise, as promised, started saying really stupid shit really quickly:
“My sources say the death penalty, for espionage, being considered for @StevenKBannon. I am pro-life and take no pleasure in reporting this.”
Louise Mensch, July 19, 2017
This is particularly funny because Louise worked with Bannon on Brexit.
Louise also said stupid shit about the Marshal of the Supreme Court and “sealed indictments” — just like Q did. It was all designed to be hopium for liberals who were rightfullly upset at the Russian asset installed in the White House. Louise fed off that anger and redirected it back at the left itself.
The whole time she was larping as a “Resister” she was actually conspiring with other harmful LARPs like “KassandraSeven,” “Team Patriot,” “Microchip” aka Justin McConney, “ErieMom,” Spicci,” “Spicci’s Mom” aka Tish Cohen, Doug Stewart, “AlphabetSec,” “Troll Army,” “The Shed,” The Jester, Belle, Sang, Cody Webb and many others to put on a bunch of drama designed to cause chaos on the left and target individuals.
They hurt a lot of people in the process. One of the targets, Rob McNeece, committed suicide.
Right after Q started on 10/28/17, “KassandraSeven” started pretending to hate Louise for a while because that was most helpful at the time. Q needed the left to be as confused and angry as possible so a bunch of LARPs were set up to cause chaos.
Here’s another LARP, “Operation Titty Twister,” set up to support “Q” by the same network — but this one is from the right. This was about mass reporting as many “libtards” as possible off of Twitter including — theatrically — Louise Mensch. This LARP was started the day before “Q” did its first post.
Now, Louise and KassandraSeven “like” each other again because I’m their common target. It’s all theater by the same network. They just recombine in different forms depending on what their goal is. Currently, I am their goal.
Speaking of theater, Louise has also teamed up with theater major Mike Rothschild to create drama about me.
Mike Rothschild failed at a lot of things before he found his calling as a paid disinformation agent and harmful troll in 2017. One of the things he failed at was “playwright.”
At some point I will have time to do a critical review of “FOAM.” 😬
Mike Rothschild wrote FOAM in 2011. I will note for no particular reason that was the same year I won a Primetime Emmy.
Anyway, Louise, I eagerly await your subpoena. Or yours, Mike.
Finally I know you guys worked hard on this LARP in the New York Times. The problem is that it’s so dumb and transparent.
Never stopped you before I guess.
Discovery would be a b*tch!
That post of Rothschild about getting you an intervention feels rather transparent; if he truly cared about you he wouldn't continue publicly harassing you, and for him to drag your friends into the fray is to discredit you and us. I saw a post where Rothschild called you a fascist because you suggested in a podcast their should to be laws against disinformation and harassment. Fuck that Qunt!