MAGA3X was a PAC formed around the RNC 2016 to run psyops on American citizens. The MAGA3X documents below are of critical importance because they demonstrate a premeditated intention to use social media to spread harmful propaganda — with the cooperation of the Russian government through Guccifer and Wikileaks — to illegally affect the 2016 election. Here are some of the people involved.
Mike Flynn
Peter Thiel
Jeff Giesea
Roger Stone
Mike Cernovich
Microchip / Justin McConney
James Brower
Jack Posobiec
Mike Flynn Jr.
Baked Alaska
Bill Mitchell
They were responsible for a number of operations in 2016 including the Podesta Emails / Pizzagate.
The blueprint was improved and relaunched in October 2017 with mostly the same people. It was called QAnon.
Of more urgent concern is this psychological operation has now metastasized across the globe and is endangering global liberal democracy.
This is one of the most chilling documents I have ever read and gets worse the more I understand it. This was a military-style operation that borrowed Russian propaganda tactics as well as radicalization techniques from ISIS.
More soon.
Could you provide a little info on Anime Right News? Not familiar with it or reliability of it as source. But the document is nightmare stuff. Thanks again for your work.
This is so insidious.