Matthew Donovan aka @StickInMyMind: Regarding Your Threat
You are in no position to bargain or fake victimhood
Readers, feel free to skip this one if you don’t know this guy. It requires some context and mostly I just want to make clear to chaos agent Matt Donovan and his criminal cohorts that they have fucked with the wrong person. However, if you enjoy seeing me spank bad actors, you are more than welcome to follow along…
Of all the neo-nazis, Q cultists, Satanists, incels, suicide trolls and chaos agents I’ve encountered, you may be the most broken person of them all.
I’m embarrassed for you.
“I will again recommend that you stop posting people’s private information online.”
LOL. Recommend? Matt, you and your crew has doxxed me on nearly every forum I can think of. You call people’s family, you harass and threaten their children, you create sock after sock to spread any private information you can find or make up to smear them. The level of projection and DARVO you are capable of is genuinely impressive.
The solution to your problem is not complicated, Matt. Two things: stop lying and stop committing crimes. Same goes for your partners.
“You have more eyes on you than you’re aware of.”
OK, Q 🙄
Seriously, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? It’s been hundreds of you against one of me for two fucking years and you incompetent asshats still can’t stop me. Who else you gonna throw on the pile?
“We don’t appreciate your unnecessary escalations against people who offer no more than insults and criticism.”
First of all who is “we?” That’s just embarrassing larping — but I’m definitely interested in hearing a list of your co-conspirators if you’re sharing. Second, “insults and criticism?” 😂
Dude, do you know how many different crimes you have committed? Harassment, stalking, fraud, defamation, libel, tortious interference, theft, obstruction of justice and on and on. “Criticism” is not what you guys need to worry about, champ.
Which brings me to why you’re so mad. It it because I posted your friend Tish Cohen’s public criminal records for stalking and harassment? I guess some of your friends didn’t like that. So here are some more:
Why so sensitive? Why bother to threaten me? Who are you protecting? Just makes me more curious. Is Ezra mad?
Matt, I understand that you are bipolar and suffer bouts of panic from time to time in between your delusions of grandeur and imperviousness. But the real problem is you have no emotional core, no center, no soul. All you know how to do is pretend. You are an empty vessel that you fill with other people’s anguish. You are a psychopathic sadist who understands empathy well enough to weaponize it, but you feel no consequences at all.
So you latched on to the chans and QAA / QSlayers trolls which gave you purpose, income, and fulfilled your desire to hurt people — to get revenge on whoever hurt you as a child.
Who hurt you, Matt?
Sadly your adventures into the dark world of trolling and disinformation peddling also made you unemployable as a pretend normie or “IT guy.” At this point I know you can’t focus on anything long enough to actually create things, so you destroy things for money instead. Like my volunteer group which you infiltrated, blew up from the inside and then traumatized and gaslit all the survivors. You did it with Doug, Will, Nicole, Susan Portnoy, David Gilbert, Fred Brennan, Mike Rothschild and hundreds of others.
Your life is completely devoid of meaning beyond your ability to mirror others in order to cause chaos, trauma and pain in your targets. You have been larping as “Politics Of Time” for several years, including during Q Slayers in 2019 when you were “Politics on Edge.”
You know white nationalist chaos agent Douglas Matthew Stewart very well of course, which is why you knew about the video of him promoting Mike Rothschild and Will Sommer on a MAGA Coalition podcast and then had pathetic toolbag Rocco Castoro make light of it.
(BTW, if anyone is looking for a good laugh, watch the Netflix documentary about John McAfee. Rocco is in there literally as comedy relief. Rocco sent the photo that got John McAfee caught, and Rocco’s just as bumbling and incoherent in the show as he is on Twitter. He’s not even a hack, he’s the court jester.)
Matt, it’s funny how Doug was promoting you and Nicole on Gab when you did your despicable astroturfing of an SF School Board Recall and had your client participate in my trolling.
FYI, here is just a small selection of my archive of Tish Cohen and associates since you seem so sensitive about it. I can get to the deep cuts if you want, Matt. Remember when you told me she is “trying to help?”
Your fren Jib Camera and Tish tag teaming me in DMs here.
Cody Webb admitting to lots of shit involving Tish, Spicci and Doug.
Tish collaborating to troll me with convicted stalker Thomas Schoenberger while you and Nicole committed fraud in order to infiltrate my volunteer group. #PatheticHobo
“Soccer Mom by day. Chaos agent by night. Went to super secret [spy] school.”
The “super secret spy school” Tish Cohen is referring to is Erik Prince’s ranch in Wyoming where he trains his Project Veritas operatives. This training was arranged by Prince’s favorite internet terrorist Douglas Matthew Stewart who did this for lots of professional trolls, including Tish, Spicci and everyone else in The Shed. Also Welna’s Troll Army, and many others.
All of this was just an extension of MAGA3X. Tish Cohen is related to Ezra Cohen. And Tish was called “Spicci’s Mom.”
Here’s Tish during Q Slayers retweeting James Brower who wrote the first Q drops. Hey Matt, remember when QAA platformed Brower’s lies about ”Q” and attacked Doug’s colleague Louise Mensch as BlueAnon at this exact same time? Hahaha that was a good one.
Remember when Tish named herself this:
Should I go on Matt? How‘s your nazi fren James Lefeber? Remember when he doxxed me on Facebook?
Or are you whining about Antwerp resident Robin Eriksson who is literally raising money to continue his coordinated harassment of me personally where he published his own name and location on gofundme?
This just in. Seriously? LMFAO. #PatheticHobo

Matt, why are you talking to a Shed troll about Doug Stewart? Weird.

If you think I have already “escalated” well… keep fucking trying me.
You guys believe you have been wearing me down, that by trying to silence me you are somehow winning. Nah, you guys are the reason I’m just getting started. Look at you. Pathetic.
Cry moar.
Here’s my deal for you, Matt, in terms of “escalating.” Currently the legal action I am taking is civil. But if you continue any longer I will file criminal charges and I won’t stop with just you once I get started.

Call my bluff.
The documentary 🤣!