Two and a half years ago, after looking into QAnon for two weeks, I wrote my first article about it that included the following — on 8/16/20:

My experience made it obvious from the beginning that Flynn is a dangerous fascist, a Russian asset, and a cult leader wielding “Q” as a weapon. More than 900 days later, the depth of Flynn’s treason and the roots of his ideology are not only clear, he is openly confessing them.
In September 2021, I discovered that Mike Flynn led a Christian church in a theosophical prayer by fascist cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet from Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT).

CUT was a direct offshoot of the “I AM Activity” which came from a splinter of the Nazi terrorist group Silver Shirts in the 1930s.
This morning, Mike Flynn finally confessed what has been obvious for a long time, he is a follower of “I AM.”

The hashtag “#IAMFLYNN” is nothing short of a declaration. Mike Flynn is not a Christian, he is an occultist. Note the person that Mike Flynn is retweeting, QAnon rapper Tom McDonald. Is he fighting “Satan” or channeling him? #SatanGate👹
Here is another important data point from the last 24 hours. Sean Stone, son of Putin’s propagandist Oliver, is an “I AM” cult leader and a close associate of Mike Flynn. Sean Stone obsequiously interviewed Putin’s strategist, genocidal Nazi Aleksandr Dugin.

Sean Stone has been a frequent speaker on Mike Flynn’s QAnon tour which is named after Dugin’s book.

As another data point, Sean Stone also obsequiously interviewed Satanic pedophile Michael Aquino, who co-wrote in 1980, as a US Army Major, “From PSYOP to MindWar” which describes full-spectrum psychological warfare as a strategy to topple nation-states.
Aquino was a member of the Church of Satan in the 60s, started the esoteric Nazi cult Temple of Set in the 70s, and molested more than a hundred children in the Presidio in the 80s.

Mike Flynn and his allies are not Christians, they are indoctrinating and weaponizing Christians into a fascist death cult. They are openly merging the ideologies, tactics and strategies of “I AM,” the Silver Shirts, the Third Reich, ISIS and Dugin in the project to destroy American democracy.
I’m not sure what it’s going to take for someone to pay attention to this threat. The next step on the “pathway” is violence.

Keep watching and documenting this story Jim. Grateful. Thank you
I'm baffled that this (with the blatant naming) is being ignored and continues to operate in the open. Too many already involved at higher levels protecting them? Investigation happening behind the scenes? Or just nobody gives a flying f*ck... I can't figure it out.