Mike Flynn’s End Times Prophecies Need to Be Taken Seriously
Under increasing pressure, Flynn is predicting “black swan” events that will prevent the 2024 elections.
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Over the last week, Mike Flynn’s world has been shaken by numerous indictments of people close to him, including his old friend Rudy Giuliani and his lawyer Sidney Powell. Today there have been mugshots. Behold.

There has also been quite a lot of pressure on Roger Stone because of a new documentary out about him, including a scene—which the director would not let me post to Xitter—which shows Roger coming up with a fake elector fraud scheme before the election and saying the first person he’s calling is Mike Flynn.
Additionally a CREW report shows that the Secret Service collaborated with the Oath Keepers before the 2020 election, including Mike Flynn’s friend, imprisoned seditious conspiracist Stewart Rhodes.
While all of this is going on today, Yvgeny Prigozhin, who ran neo-Nazi paramilitary Wagner Group for Putin, was shot down by Russia’s Air Defense systems and killed—which is frankly good news for everyone.
But Prigozhin was not just Wagner Group’s chief, he was also allied with Erik Prince in Africa and Ukraine—and helped Mike Flynn steal the 2016 election through the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which ran numerous fake social media accounts—for example “TEN_GOP.”
So, in addition to the pressure Flynn is already under because of the Holocaust distortion I exposed last week, Flynn has both enormous legal pressure and a geopolitical ally in Putin who is shooting people disloyal to him out of the sky. The weakness is palpable. This makes both of these psychopaths cornered and dangerous.
With all of this as backdrop, Mike Flynn is taking his rhetoric to a new and frightening place. As I’ve predicted, if Flynn does not think he can make it to the 2024 election and win it—by any means necessary—he will try to prevent it.
Several times now, over the last few days, Mike Flynn has predicted there could be a “black swan” event, that will prevent the election from happening. Given Putin and Flynn’s messianic narcissism and psychopathy it is absolutely both within their power and within their patterns of behavior to execute an intentional catastrophe.
Putin is a war criminal who burned Ukrainian civilians out of their homes, raped and tortured women and trafficked their children to Russia—and blew up a dam that murdered hundreds of people and destroyed a significant swath of the country. He has massive stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. He will not hesitate to use them if he calculates it will benefit him.
Mike Flynn, as my readers know, has been Putin’s General in America since he visited GRU headquarters in Moscow in 2013. Then, in 2015, Putin and Flynn decided together to start an active psychological war on American citizens in order to hand the 2016 election to Putin‘s puppet, Donald Trump. Their war never stopped.
I don’t know what Mike Flynn is planning but I may have a better idea after his latest QAnon radicalization psyop tour event in Las Vegas starting tomorrow where he will re-indoctrinate American citizens into his genocidal pro-Putin death cult with new urgency—along with Alex Jones and Holocaust-denier/QAnon celebrity Roseanne Barr.
Regardless, the fact that Flynn is allowed to continue to attack our democracy with seeming impunity is an indictment of our entire system. I hope someone in power is listening. I hope someone in the press is willing to stop being a coward.
And frankly, I hate that I’m stuck with hope in the first place.
What's up with the Pentagon??!! Call this bastard back to active duty, court-martial him for sedition, sentence him to death, and hang him in Leavenworth.
Scary to contemplate. Pit in my stomach and suspect that is the point. Keep safe. Thank for the information