Mike Flynn’s impassioned defense of Russia 🚨
This guy is openly taking Putin’s side. Why the fuck does he still have stars or freedom?
On Mike Flynn’s favorite white supremacist website, “The Western Journal,” Mike Flynn does everything in his power to generate fear of Putin and argues passionately that we should just let Russia do whatever they want.
This is really a remarkable artifact. Flynn is not hiding anything anymore. He‘s a declared Russian asset who controls a fascist death cult numbering in the tens of millions.
Flynn takes Putin’s side at every turn, blaming the fact that Putin is trying to invade Ukraine on America.
Flynn is scaremongering about nuclear war and quotes a wingnut Republican to back himself up. Zero people, including Putin, are seriously discussing nukes.
In the greatest possible projection, Flynn complains about “the propaganda barrage” “beating the drums of war.”
Flynn also declares that “War is not fair and it’s not meant to be” which he says often as if rationalizing to himself the suffering and chaos he’s causing.
Flynn quotes Russian officials and TASS to defend Russia and accuses Biden of wanting to put a “puppet government that it would control” into Ukraine.
But what he really does not want you to believe is that Russian asset Donald Trump is a Russian asset.
Flynn stretches every possible credulity by saying the United States has no vital national interests in Ukraine, despite the fact that this would give Russia a launch point for invading Europe — which is ultimately what he wants.
And OF COURSE he winks to QAnon by frivolously bringing up JFK.
“Natural law” is something doomsday cults use to give themselves an excuse for breaking the actual laws of the nation they live in.
“Ermagerd, just leave Pooty alonnne!”
“The United States and the Russian Federation are great nations” is all you need to know. The Russian Federation is NOT a “great nation,” it’s a mafia state controlled by one of the most dangerous people in the world.
Flynn is desperate to allow Putin to invade Ukraine. Coming from Mike Flynn, this means that we must protect Ukraine at all costs.
Mike Flynn is a blatant foreign agent who is close to successfully bringing down democracy. Why is he still free?