Shut the entire fuck up Mike.
Twitter’s rules say no such thing. Why are you spending your Saturday coordinating with one of the worst trolls on Twitter to lie and try to keep me suspended?
What is your motivation, Mike?
This person has been lying about me and generating hate against me since September 2020. He has whispered to numerous journalists and influenced people that should know better. I have all the metrics Mike, you’re just another harmful troll.
Additionally, Mike is a disinformation agent who is intentionally, aggressively wrong in order to steer the narrative in a false direction and attacks people that don’t buy into his LARP.
Here he is comparing me, someone who worked my heart out to expose and suppress QAnon to a “QAnon guru.”
Guess what Mike spent his time doing while I was attacking QAnon? Mike was attacking me and doing jack shit else.
Sorry, he did write the worst book on QAnon imaginable which he had to rewrite because he got everything wrong. It got a good review… in Russia Today.
For the record, I have had Mike blocked since October 2020. The only time I have ever mentioned him is when I just can’t take it anymore and drop some receipts about him.
He’s one of the orchestrators of the whole dangerous weaponized shitshow I will lay out this weekend.
Anyone coming in here insinuating antisemitism will get instapermaban
Personally I can’t stand Rothschild. He hasn’t had an original thought or “discovery” yet.