Mike Rothschild has had a change of heart about Twitter suspensions
Recently he has spent a great deal of his time collaborating with my attackers to spread the lie that my inauthentic suspension was justified despite all available facts and evidence to the contrary.
In April 2019, Mike Rothschild wrote this story on sketchy website Daily Dot complaining ruefully about his 7-day suspension for encouraging self-harm and asserting that suspensions “do more harm than good.”
EDIT: The Daily Dot has let me know that these were two different headlines and they did not change them in May 2020 and did not create the hashtags on the Flipboard article. I appreciate the correction.
“We never updated the title of that article. What you are looking at is two different headlines, the SEO one we send to Google (Why Twitter Suspensions Do More Harm Than Good) and the headline on our site (Conspiracy theorists got me suspended from Twitter—and now I understand them better).
As for the hashtags, I believe those are generated by Flipboard. We never used them on the site.”
Mike got suspended for a week in April 2019 because he told someone in the QAnon cult to “take a heavy dose of thorazine” which IMO was appropriately flagged for encouraging self harm.
Had I been at Twitter Safety, however, I would have just made him remove the tweet because it was only mildly abusive and could give someone the wrong idea but was obviously not intended to actually hurt anyone. A suspension was unnecessary unless he was a repeat offender.
Here’s a live screenshot from Mike Rothschild’s blog post from the day before “Q” started. Here he amplified the same lie that “Q” did two days later. Rothschild “debunks” these “conspiracies” in the fine print, but the effect is to spread QAnon to the left and create controlled opposition for “Q.” 🤔
On his blog, Mike Rothschild displays his most recent tweets from today.
Here Rothschild is bragging about the fact that he helped get me suspended by making fun of the fact that I’m on substack now and collaborating to defame me with his friends. Let’s review.
@KassandraSeven is a harmful paid “resister” troll who targets movements and individuals from the “left.” Any casual glance at her feed, much less the thousands of tweets I have archived, will show that she is obsessive about her mission to destroy my reputation and my friends.
Here’s just a small part of her campaign to destroy me. This is just one the harmful trolls that Mike Rothschild is working with.
David Gilbert @daithaigilbert is a dirty journalist at Vice News who has been cooperating with my attackers to destroy me for a year. He conspired with Rothschild and others to manufacture drama to write a hit piece on me and my volunteer organization.
@dappergander is a researcher who has done good work in the past but has decided that instead of seeking truth, he wants to distribute disinformation and defame me personally. Sad.
This article is complete bullshit. I figured out the origin of this document way before this “researcher” did. I had the original article on medium, all the 8chan posts, the 10 MAGA sock puppets that amplified it, and two sources who worked for Zamel that say this looks just like a PSY-GROUP document. I shared all of these things with @dappergander a year ago but instead they chose to be a snarky asshole and just published this — a year later.
I do believe it is possible to moderate social media networks responsibly and prevent them from being weaponized. But it’s harder when there are so many ops and hypocrites around.
HEY! ICYMI: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/24/steve-bannon-war-room-real-americas-voice/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=wp_politics
I tangled with some of these people/socks and they are super creepy. Some of them have made producing inflammatory memes and gifs about you into a cottage industry. If they're trying to dispel the notion that they aren't paid trolls they are going about it the wrong way...