This morning I woke up to yet another inauthentic ban from a social media company. This time it was Vimeo. But in a surprise twist, I got the account back within a few hours. This was a victory, albeit a tiny one, in the undeclared MindWar I report on every day.
Permit me to be immodest for a moment, but I have been kicking Flynn’s ass for two years. I broke his coalition with a chunk of his cult #SatanGate👹, exposed him as “Q,” showed him threatening to “shoot people in DC,” showed him reciting an occult prayer, exposed his operation as PSYOP, proved he was behind 1/6, and warned people ahead of time. Etc. etc.
Flynn considers all of this an act of information warfare. Flynn is correct. I am intentionally exposing his psychological operations in order to warn people and ultimately bring Flynn and his co-conspirators to justice for trying to destroy democracy.
In exchange for my efforts, Flynn launched a counterattack through the same network of sociopaths that he formed in 2016. MAGA3X has long since splintered into an array of individual cells with their own goals and tactics, but it all stems from the same cancerous growth.
Everyone in “Trolls and Miscreants” is part of Flynn’s counterattack. They no longer even bother to hide what team they’re on. And all the trolls and ops are still shaking their little fists about me two years later.
So how did they take down my Vimeo account, and how did I get it back?
Well, based on my correspondence, they social engineered a junior guy on the support team to believe that I’m the one promoting conspiracy theories instead of the guy exposing them.
The people behind this kind of attack are extremely good at finding cracks in the system. They will blanket an account with false reports until they get a “hit” and find someone in support willing to listen to them. Then they will continue to hit that target, filling that employee’s inbox with complaints, until they just get fed up.
My first guy, who I shall name Ralph, erroneously removed a video back in May. I argued with Ralph but I decided to let it go. Then last night, they finally got Ralph to cancel me.
The good news is that unlike with Twitter and YouTube, at least Ralph is a person and responded to my initial objection with a response that betrayed his real issue. After a back and forth, he escalated it to an adult who I will call Grown Up.
Grown Up initially responded backing up their employee but did it in a way that indicated they were an actual adult. So I explained what I do and sent some links.
Ten minutes later, I got my account back. Thanks Grown Up!!
This was a battle over my right to speak. And a battle over my right to defend myself, my kids, and my country.
This is the the same battle I lost on Twitter after a year a half and then on YouTube. These are targeted psyops that weaponize social media to silence people.
Regardless, the amount of time, money and effort that has gone into Flynn’s counterattack against me is significant. Dozens, if not hundreds, of people devoted to destroying me and my ability to speak for 2 years. That ain’t cheap.
Frankly I’m glad they’ve all been beating their heads against the brick wall I built instead of attacking people with less ability to defend themselves.
We’re winning y’all. #TheWeepening has now graduated to #TheShriekening and soon #TheImprisoning.
Please keep your foot on the gas. We need more victories. Please share my work and others who are out here exposing ourselves to abuse in order to tell the truth.
As always, I’m so grateful to all of you for your support. I means everything to me. LFG.
I forgot to add that after typing in the black screen what the guy on the phone told me it said our credit card had been used on pornhub and had been used to purchase child porn!!!
I have been suspended for the fifth time on twitter as I posted in the comments and it is such a drag. I could just be paranoid it’s because I would post your substack and Steven Jarvis and yesterday my husband’s computer was hit with a ransom ware attack and we shut it down, now can’t turn it back on. Has something like that happened to you? We’re waiting for our computer guy to come Monday to hopefully repair it.
Got a message to call a number on the screen from Microsoft saying call and they would walk us through fixing it. I called and a guy had me type in the box at the left bottom of the screen until I got to the black screen and I typed in what he told me and after the screen stopped scrolling, info came up that showed someone was listening. He said all our phones and devices and credit cards were all hacked so don’t use them. This went on for over an hour and then my husband asked Google about scam Microsoft messages and it Was a scam.
Hung up and shut down the pc. Then yesterday the message was on the screen again so we turned it off and it wouldn’t come back on. I can’t believe I fell for it. Feeling pretty stupid.