Nazi Plan to Attack the CO Electrical Grid in 2020 Mirrors the Sabotage in NC
Atomwaffen is an occult neo-Nazi terrorist group that has conducted numerous murders
h/t #Mindy,
In 2020, a plot to use guns to damage and sabotage the electrical grid in Colorado was carried out by the occult neo-Nazi terrorist group Atomwaffen Division before being thwarted by the FBI.
Earlier this year three people pled guilty to charges of terrorism in the case.
The tactics of the Colorado plan appear to be identical to what happened in North Carolina — using “powerful rifles” with precise knowledge of what to target. Their goal was to create chaos, race war, and “induce the next Great Depression.”
Atomwaffen was incubated and metastasized from the website Iron March, which was started in 2011 by a Russian who went to Moscow spy school. It incorporated ideas by Satanic PSYOP specialist Michael Aquino and Nazi philosopher Julius Evola.
It is reasonably speculated that the North Carolina attack was targeting a drag show event because it was carried out immediately after the show started. This would also be consistent with a neo-Nazi perpetrator.
Given the blatant Nazi signaling in the public discourse and the tacit approval, if not full embrace, by Elon Musk and the chaos agents he conspires with of Nazism, it should not be surprising if it turns out the Nazis are listening.