This tweet should be sealed into a chamber and buried under ground in a time capsule so our descendants can see how the press helped usher in a second Holocaust.
Pennsylvania State University canceled a planned comedy event that was to be co-hosted by the founder of the Proud Boys after a demonstration against the speakers turned violent.
Proud Boy “comedy event.” Let that sink in.
Comedy. Event.
The New York Times is now just a parody account. Also, for the record, the “demonstration” didn’t “turn violent” all by itself. Stop using the passive voice to let criminals off the hook.
This was violence initiated by neo-Nazi domestic terrorists who were there for… all the comedy. Also, Penn State created this situation by allowing Nazis on their campus in the first place and should be ashamed of itself. This has nothing to do with “free” speech.
Hate speech is not “free.”
A come-dy event is more fitting 😕
Also an anagram for comedy is -my code. JS