A critical supply line to Crimea from Russia has been cancelled. Watch the front truck on the right.
Oh noes! 😱
Putin had an immediate shit fit and put yet another general in charge of his atrocities in Ukraine. This is a clear sign he’s losing and doesn’t trust his command and control.

Also, considering he “annexed” these regions, evacuating them seems like more than “a potential setback.” It seems more like #RussiaIsLosing.

In the meantime, Putin’s allies in the US are also scrambling for cover.
Elon Musk, whose only loyalty is to himself and Mars, suddenly wants to buy Twitter again because he knows if the air is cleared, everyone will see him as the weak, racist, treasonous, mediocre narcissist he really is.
Musk’s buddy, the worst traitor in American history, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn is scrambling too. Here’s a video from Russian propagandist (and former Q drop writer) Tracy Diaz of another Kremlin puppet, Irish MEP Clare Daly, whining about people pointing out obvious Russian influence.
And for shits and giggles, Mike Flynn’s homophobic, brainfucked, brother Joe, is back to trolling me by email again. He seems very focused on my work about the controlled opposition to QAnon for some reason.
Of course their other brother, Commanding General of the US Army Pacific Charles Flynn — who is a ticking time bomb trying to create a war with China — is speeding warships towards Southeast Asia and doing new drills because Trump’s BFF North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is sending missiles over Japan.

Trump says he’s still in touch with Kim. Why does the guy who overtly tried to overthrow American democracy still have a phone? Or his freedom? Or anything??
Friends, we have one month to go before the mid-terms. We have to keep the Congress or these people will be in charge again.
GET OUT THE VOTE. Make your friends and family do it. Be a poll watcher. Don’t let anyone intimidate people from exercising their rights.
And, FFS, Merrick Garland — #ArrestMikeFlynn
Putinism, the real Satanism.