Ever since 1/6, I’ve been yelling about Charlie Flynn, but in the last few months I have gone to DEFCON: INFINITY WTF. In June, I wrote an article where I noted that Charlie Flynn, little brother of “Q” — and Commanding General of the US Army Pacific is planning on potentially inflammatory military exercises in October near China.
Now this:
Charlie’s been cozying up to the Indian Government and raising the temperature in the region for many months. From June:
“India and US to hold high-altitude exercise in October.”
Charles Flynn intentionally helped make sure the Capitol wasn’t protected on 1/6 and yet we still trust him with 90,000 American troops with nuclear capabilities? Why is the Secretary of Defense sleeping on this?
Now that China is playing along and saying we’re sending “very wrong, dangerous signals” on Taiwan, is Charles Flynn still holding these exercises?
Who benefits most from conflict with China before the midterms?
Two guesses…… Time’s up.
Mike Flynn and Vladimir Putin.
Here’s Mike Flynn on a QAnon show pushing for war in China a month ago.
And four days ago:
And Charlie just larps along waiting for his moment. He is a ticking time bomb and the fuse is getting short.

Donald Trump is already fucked. At this point, he’s just a show clown, a distraction. In the meantime, the Flynns are not going to stop until we stop them.
If there weren’t a real risk of world war here, it would almost be funny. This is all just completely absurd. Here’s Mike losing his shit when asked about Charlie. That’s not brotherly love. That is terror.
#ArrestAllFlynns #TheShriekening
Noteworthy article on new Chinese social media tactic vis-a-vis Taiwan, FYI. https://thediplomat.com/2022/09/chinas-changing-disinformation-and-propaganda-targeting-taiwan/
On Oahu, every other year, we'd watch RIMPAC, intl. Warfare exercise, play war games in the pacific for weeks. That was troubling. But Charlie wants MORE war games. JFC hurry up J6 before Flynns blow us all up into smithereens!