OK, Mike: Put Up or Shut Up
Mike Rothschild says my readers and I are “messianic and paranoid”
Imagine writing this thread. Or liking it. This is textbook defamation and typical of Mike Rothschild’s projection, ad hominem smears and baseless accusations. Mike and his allies are particularly fond of calling me “dangerous” and attacking my mental health.

The problem with my “ridiculous conspiracy theory” about paid trolls is that it’s 100% true as Mike knows very well. There are a number of “single purpose hate accounts” that are paid, just to start. Mike has been working with them for more than a year. These accounts are completely dedicated to attacking me personally. I’ve documented them so much I created a separate section for them.
There are also several people trolling me who literally advertise their services.
Mike Rothschild’s bff Fredrick Brennan, who is the sociopathic, misogynistic nazi-sympathizer that invented 8chan for GamerGate, conveniently listed three of the worst accounts in the confession below:
Failed blogger Susan who runs the harmful LARP turned single purpose hate acccount @KassandraSeven
CP Huxley who runs the single purpose hate account @janbobrowicz
Brad Shuttleworth who runs the single purpose hate account @DTrumpJrJunior
Note that Brennan provides a convenient list of the damage he, Rothschild and their minions have inflicted on my reputation over the last 18 months through their coordinated harassment. It’s almost as if they don’t think there are consequences to their actions.
Mike Rothschild accused me of “messaging” people that are trolling me. Yes I have. Three of them, politely. If someone has the right to lie about me on Twitter hundreds of times, I have the right to message them to nicely ask them to stop. One of these conversations I felt was constructive and I’m glad I reached out. I got a better sense of his point of view.
Other than a brief Twitter exchange in October 2020 where he freaked out and blocked me after I challenged him on his lies, this is the only communication I have ever had with Mike Rothschild.
Note that I was very concerned with Russian influence right away. I watched it happen in real-time on 8/12/20 and I let Mike Rothschild know. I thought he would be interested. Nope.
Turns out I was right about “antifa.com” being a Russian op btw.
Mike never got back to me. Instead he went on a mission to destroy me. Seriously, does this Twitter search seem normal? Why would someone do this?
Put up or Shut up
To be clear, I have zero interest in Mike Rothschild or anything he has to say. However, since he has made it his project to work with others to harass and silence me, I offer the following:
I challenge Mike Rothschild to a debate in a neutral forum on any topic related to QAnon, “Q,” technology, disinformation, fascism, psychological warfare, cults / undue influence, geopolitics, religion, or literally anything else.
Why don’t we start with this?
I challenge Mike Rothschild to compare my body of work in the last two months on Substack to his entire output over the last five years, including his book. Find a single useful insight or piece of new, valuable information while I wait for these monkeys to write Shakespeare.
I challenge Mike Rothschild to defend his unbroken string of failed predictions, false assertions and obvious deceptions about QAnon, Mike Flynn and Russia since 2017. I will gladly provide a very long list.
I challenge Mike Rothschild to back up any of his defamatory statements that I want to “kidnap children,” that I am “dangerous,” that I am mentally ill/messianic/paranoid/unwell, that I’m a cult leader, or any of his other lies.
To my face. In public.
Mike Rothschild, either shut the fuck up about me permanently, or back up your assertions. You don’t get to just keep lying.
If you disagree, feel free to continue your attack. Feel free to believe that the legal case I am building against you and your collaborators is a bluff while you continue to provide additional evidence of your criminal harassment, defamation and tortious interference. Your move. Cameras are rolling.
Mike Rothschild, thanks for saying I’m “successful” I guess, but a couple things:
What does race have to do with anything??
What “actual experts?” You? I don’t think so.
I didn’t “lash out” at anyone. The reason you assert this without proof is that you have no evidence of it, while I have shown the evidence to the contrary.
Stop lying or take me up on my offer.
Sounds like Mike read my commit were I called him a Qunt... their defiantly watching your substack followers because I noticed Cassandraseven blocked me on Twitter and I have never once interacted with that account.
Mike spoke at a satanic temple event, has he publicly disclosed why?
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this Jim!