Oops. Sorry George Conway!
I thought Kellyanne’s husband was arguing for fascists but it turns out to be the usual assholes
George Conway was not arguing with my co-author it turns out. It was just a troll. They used a spoof handle and since I’m not on Twitter I didn’t verify it. My bad!
Of course, Mike Rothschild, whose job is to gatekeep lies about QAnon and attack anyone who tells the truth about it, leaped in to revel in my error.
Mike Rothschild has never done a single thing to help fight QAnon or fascism. He wrote a book specifically designed to cover up the truth that was favorably reviewed by one publication — Russia Today. He spends his time doing absolutely nothing but tweeting and trolling and waits around for me to make a mistake and makes a big deal about it.
What Mike Rothschild won’t tell you is that that he intentionally downplayed 1/6 while my friends and I were trying to warn the feds and the public about it. He said the biggest risk was COVID.
Rothschild has a theory about QAnon that he is paid to promote. He protects and amplifies nazi-sympathizer and misogynistic 8chan / Gamergate creator Fredrick Brennan who runs a leftist trolling cult to enforce the message.
So yeah, Mike Rothschild, I made a mistake, but it was an honest one. Sadly you don’t have an honest bone in your body — so fuck off into the sun. ☀️🤡
Been enjoying my summer vacation and have limited internet.
Mike’s favorable rating from RT is a deserving endorsement putting him on the same level of false Biden accuser Tara Reade. Mensch also is highly recommended by our adversaries.
If Mike had to retract knowingly false statements within his books he would lose his audience. That is the essence of a true grifter, hawking false or misleading wares.
Everybody makes mistakes. I myself have made at least 265,915. Also, I still don't trust George Conway.