Operation 270: The Plan to Let the “House Decide” — Not the People
An emerging seditious conspiracy to throw the election to Donald Trump
Over the last several months a clear plan has emerged from the transnational organized crime network trying to install Kremlin puppet Donald Trump in the White House through active measures — for the third time. Through a variety of tactics they want to reduce the total number of electoral votes achieved by the leading candidate to below the threshold defined in the Constitution, currently 270, which would send the election to a vote in the Republican-controlled House.
As an example of this plan being promoted, Blackwater terrorist Erik Prince says the brilliance of the founders will save us “if no clear candidate gets 270 electoral votes… the [GOP] House decides.”
This puts a new light on a number of other active measures and psyops. If you disrupt a few states on Election Day. Game over.
For example, there have been a number of neo-Nazi attacks on the power grid which could have a serious impact on election results if they were targeted at one political party in the right states.
Today, MyPillow guy Mike Lindell, Mike Flynn’s second favorite billionaire after Patrick Byrne, was in a Xitter Space and left his microphone open while he negotiated an appearance with Steve Bannon to promote a very specific psyop:
“Don’t vote early. Vote on election day only.”
Counterintuitive, right? No, it’s a set up.
If you listen to the people like Erik Prince and Mike Flynn telling Mike Lindell what to say, it seems clear that the plan is to intentionally make Election Day vulnerable to foreign and domestic interference. Specifically, they want to destroy the credibility of the vote in enough states that no candidate gets to 270 electoral votes. This means “the [Republican controlled] House decides.”
If enough Republicans vote early, the psyop won’t work, so they want all Republicans to vote in person to make sure their vote WON’T count.
The overt, stated goal of this plot is to create “long lines” and to “show the corruption of the machines.” In other words, they are trying to cause chaos on election day while they simultaneous pre-program attacks on the power grid etc. to make it worse, and to make certain states not count.
There is also a proliferation of events like this, with “Christian Nationalists,” QAnon promoters, antivaxxers and seditionist chaos agents “preparing” people for a “Final Battle.”
All of the above fits in the category of “irregular warfare” which is defined in US doctrine as “a violent struggle between state and non-state actors for power and influence over a population.”
Here is Mike Flynn 8 years apart admitting to creating “an insurgency… this was irregular warfare at its finest.”
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How'd that stumblefuck Lindell ever get to be a billionaire? It's scary to think that just by coming up with the idea to direct market pillows even a complete dipshit can become a billionaire and end up affecting politics.
Believe it or not a friend of mine was sitting on the idea for PayPal. He told me about it in 1997, but to him it was just a joke "Payment Acceptance Corporation". We sat around thinking up ideas for a gag website. Meanwhile others were sitting around thinking up ideas on how to get filthy rich and turn America towards fascism. Honestly, I'd still rather be me. I wouldn't mind like maybe 1% of the money they made though.
Great catch, by the way. It does look like the cynical bastards are trying to scare their cult sheeple into voting in person to maximize the potential for chaos and increase the chances of having the decision thrown to the House of Representatives. Man, seeing the smirk on Prince's face as he extolled the genius of the founders for providing for the House decide in case of an ambiguous outcome, when I know damn well they'd be rolling in their graves to know Trump was even on the ballot, is enough to make my blood boil.