I know I’m constantly coming up with all sorts of inventive metaphors for how screwed we are as a country, whether it’s black holes or free radicals, and providing a steady diet of depressing information about the catastrophic mess caused by our inability to deal with coercive propaganda and psyops deployed against our citizens.
And while we do have massive PSYOP and counterintelligence capabilities and expertise in the government, it’s nearly all deployed in the military and CIA which, for very good reason, are not supposed to be used against Americans, although that rarely stopped them before.
This means the Russians and their American allies found the perfect flaw to exploit. They are able to engage in warfare tactics that we would certainly recognize as military PSYOP, but cannot be addressed the way it would if we recognized this as a hot war because the war is being fought, for the most part, by Americans against other Americans.
The “Field of Fight,” as Mike Flynn’s book title reads, has been, therefore, unfairly tilted for our adversaries because they can run these operations freely on the internet battlefield, and the most powerful tools we have in America cannot be used to combat them.
So far, so terrible, I know. Where’s the “optimism?”
Ironically, the good news is that our enemies got desperate at the end of Trump’s illegitimate reign and forced through Plan B, aka the insurrection instead of regrouping for next time.
While January 6th was a successful test of their capacity to commit organized political violence, it was also a crime, shown live on television for the whole world to see.
The escalating prosecution of that crime is part of what is making me increasingly optimistic-ish. If the clear signs the DOJ is showing do in fact lead to the prosecution of major figures responsible for January 6th, we will have also prosecuted the people responsible for creating the conditions that allowed the insurrection to be executed in the first place — namely Flynn, Trump, Bannon, Stone and their legion of co-conspirators and cult members.
Unless Merrick Garland drops the ball entirely, I believe this Summer may have been a turning point in American history. I am not predicting an easy ride out of this, but I think at a minimum we have given ourselves a good chance at preserving our Union and preventing a civil war. In the last few months:
DOJ indicts Proud Boys and Oathkeepers on Seditious Conspiracy charges
January 6th Committee does eight nearly flawless sessions dissecting Donald Trump’s blatant treason and exposing a large part of his network
DOJ searches Mar-a-lago for classified documents and finds thousands of them, including nuclear secrets
Trump’s lawyer, Flynn operative Christina Bobb, lies to the FBI and gets caught
40 Trump operatives, most with connections to Flynn, including Mike Lindell, got search warrants that included seizure and copying of devices
Mark Meadows cooperates with DOJ subpoena
Steve Bannon convicted of Contempt
Steve Bannon indicted for “Build the Wall” fraud
White House showing signs of having a plan to settle the economy and fight the information war
New J6 hearings are scheduled for September 28th. The Committee says it has much more evidence
“The Search for Q” explodes the mythology around QAnon and exposes Mike Flynn’s psyop for what it really is
AP coming out with a documentary on PBS called “Mike Flynn’s Holy War”
Democratic poll numbers currently a positive outlier for the mid-terms compared to usual handicap for the party in power
Anecdotal signs that people are beginning to find ways out of the cult as their leaders are unmasked
Putin is getting his ass kicked in Ukraine
That’s off the top of my head.
The country appears to be slowly coming to the realization that everything many of us have been screaming about for years is truly an existential threat. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a psyop. It’s not created by a troll on 4chan, it’s created by foreign adversaries, traitors and terrorists with an actual plan.
As I have shown from first-hand experience, the effort to cover up for the attempted fascist takeover happening in the United States and those responsible for it is just as sophisticated as the effort to create the insurgency itself.
But even that is stalling out as more and more people realize they’ve been intentionally misled by people who were never on their side to begin with.
Reality is contagious. There is an opportunity. LFG.
A word of caution, however, because I am that guy after all…
In the early 1920s, Hitler planned and executed the “Beer Hall Putsch“ which was an ill-fated effort to take over the government in Munich by force. He was tried and found guilty of relatively minor charges, spent a comfortable year in jail and wrote “Mein Kampf” or “My Struggle.” Then he went right back to plotting the overthrow of Weimar Germany, which he was able to accomplish within several years in full view of the government he failed to collapse once before.
As I have said many times. You cannot negotiate, placate or appease fascism. You must utterly defeat it. Weimar Germany failed to learn that lesson. So the rest of the world learned the hard way.
I hope, for humanity’s sake, we don’t have to start that lesson from the beginning again.
This was one of your best substacks Jim. Thank you. 🇺🇸🤍😊
Excellent off the top of your head summary,Jim. The American busy middle moves slowly, not paying much attention to news or podcasts, but when nudged in a healthy direction, they can upright the listing ship.