OSINT Toolkit: How to Whitewash a Psychopath
Museum-quality simping David Gilbert. I have to hand it to you. [golf clap]
David Gilbert of Vice “News” is one of the most prominent members of the Leftist Infiltrators As Reportable Sources (LIARS) for a reason. He’s completely shameless about his goal, which is to protect QAnon and the people responsible.
This is a pristine example of whitewashing a dangerous psychopath in order to give him a platform to continue to lie and harm people — and the most cynical, pathetic example of pseudo-journalism I have seen in a long time.
“Fred Brennan, the founder of 8chan who is now actively working to bring down the site” is a lie. Fred is LARPing, as he has been since he was 12 years old. He’s enjoying every bit of this manufactured drama. But David Gilbert knows this and has been assigned to cover for Fred and QAnon just like Mike Rothschild has. #LIARS
One line below Fred’s unnecessary and anodyne quote designed to make him sound like a hero, Gilbert mentions the “Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi site” without mentioning that Fred Brennan wrote a pro-Eugenics article for them after workshopping ideas on 8chan. https://archive.ph/ftgkC
The reason Brennan did this was to bring more nazis to 8chan to make GamerGate even more dangerous. He wanted as much radicalization and harm as possible on his website. That was his only goal.
Right after this he hired pro-rape Kremlin propagandist Mike Cernovich to be his “free speech lawyer.” Brennan was publicly supported by every white nationalist you can imagine. Neo-nazi “Weev” — who has a swastika tattooed on his chest — gave Fred Bitcoin.
Here’s what neo-nazi website Daily Stormer had to say about Fredrick Brennan, right above a misogynistic GamerGate article, an anti-semitic article, and an article that combines both.
“Fredrick Brennan, affectionately known by his minions as ‘Hotwheels,’ is the founder and boss of 8chan, which is the best of all chans.” [emphasis added]
Gilbert’s next paragraph talks about KiwiFarms as “a hate site whose users target, dox, swat and harass individuals and their families” which not only perfectly describes 8chan, which Fred invented, but the group of single purpose hate accounts and suicide trolls that Fred leads and David Gilbert promotes on Twitter right now.
Josh Moon is Fred’s friend and Fred admits that he thinks Kiwi Farms is just fine when it comes to people he doesn’t like:
David Gilbert himself is one of the 168 hate accounts that follows psychopathic Swedish suicide troll Robin Eriksson.
So the questions remain… Who the fuck is David Gilbert? Why is he running Vice News? And why is he simping for Russia, QAnon and Fred Brennan? 🤔
“Vice employees have for years raised concerns over the company’s involvement with Saudi Arabia – and we’ve been fobbed off with empty statements and pathetic excuses,” said one Vice employee..." https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/saudi-arabia-vice-media-allegedly-resumes-covert-operations-three-years-after-state-sanctioned-murder-of-jamal-khashoggi-stops-all-work-incl-co-comments/
In mid-August 2013, Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox invested US$70 million in Vice Media, resulting in a 5 percent stake. The 5% stake bought by Murdoch's 21st Century Fox places the value of Vice Media at $1.4 billion. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffbercovici/2013/08/19/thanks-to-rupert-murdoch-vice-is-worth-1-4-billion-could-it-be-in-play-soon/?sh=3363af987404