The President gave a great speech last night reaching out to everyone in the country who doesn’t want to lose the last 150 years of progress and give up their freedoms to theocratic fascists.

The bulk of the speech was about unifying the country to defeat a fascist threat that he repeatedly called “MAGA Republicans.”
The reaction on the right is split between three narratives:
He’s “PedoHitler” and a “Dictator” because he correctly called out for Americans to defend the Constitution
He‘s not unifying us!
Here is Kremlin propagandist and Mike Flynn ally Ann Vandersteel who runs on massive disinformation network “NaturalNews” pushing the “PedoHitler” memes.
This is pure projection of course. Vandersteel is accusing Biden of exactly what her leader Mike Flynn is actually doing — creating a genocidal Fourth Reich.
And here is Dilbert creator and Kremlin propagandist Scott Adams combining all three narratives by complaining that “PedoHitler’s” speech wasn’t “unifying” and then lists off 15 examples of Donald Trump doing crimes and trying to divide and destroy America and calls them “hoaxes.”
Biden and the DOJ are having a serious impact on the ability of the insurgency to control the narrative. Flynn’s network is playing defense — badly. The fact that they are resorting to complaining about “unity” while they portray POTUS as Hitler shows just how desperate they are.
The next two months will be a stress test for democracy. But at least finally we have a president willing to say what needs to be said. This is fascism. In America.
Fascism does not stop on its own. It must be defeated.