So this happened. A guy who did a six-minute segment promoting Pizzagate on a local Atlanta TV station, is being paid $5 million by the Russian government to create TV shows about the US and NATO “continuing to spread war around the world” and “transgender issues in the United States.”
Apparently if you just tell the DOJ ahead of time you can wage as much psychological war for the enemy you want. Why is that ok?

Regardless, Pizzagate itself was Russian propaganda delivered through Kremlin cutouts Guccifer2 and Wikileaks and then weaponized by Mike Flynn’s PAC with Peter Thiel — MAGA3X.
MAGA3X also started QAnon.
Another big Pizzagate promoter was Tracy Diaz, Mike Flynn’s employee and author of many “Q drops.” Also a Russian asset for at least a decade.
Along with the reopening of Hillary’s emails which was executed by Mike Flynn, Pizzagate was largely responsible for the theft of the 2016 election which put a Russian puppet in the White House. We will never fix the country until we reckon with this.
Mike Flynn also created “Q” with the assistance of the Russian government. Now his traveling psyop is explicitly based on the ultra-fascist “philosophy” of “Putin’s Brain” Aleksandr Dugin.
They are not hiding any of this. Why is the public so ignorant?
Answer: Because the press is fucked. They will not say what’s in front of them because people are always mean about Russian shit on Twitter. No really.
This is not to mention that there are a whole bunch of liars and chaos agents carrying water for Russia in the press itself. #RealBlueAnon
So to any of the press who still gives a shit about democracy, stop burying your heads in the sand and call this entire thing what it is — psychological war being waged in the United States by domestic traitors and terrorists on behalf of the Russians.
#ArrestMikeFlynn 🇷🇺
Agree that much of the calamity is media related.
Pizzagate hit its final form on November 4th, to deal with the probable identity of Maria, the child who never made sense in the Trump/Epstein codefendant lawsuit, being given to Lisa Bloom, the lawyer representing Katie Johnson and a never identified second woman. Soychicka found the missing person report, Marisella Pino, last seen 3/20/93 in front of Nash's Pizza and Grocery in Waterbury, CT.
Because Bloom sells stories, that one was purchased by AMI, who stuffed it in the vault verified by Ronan Farrow, while Michael Cohen spent the evening frantically calling both AMI execs over that and a WSJ journal article set to publish on the 5th.
Mike Flynn would have known. That conspiracy added pizza that day to muddy the water, while a possible visit by Waterbury PD same day based on a placed phone call, may have caused the women to flee after pursing justice for most of the year. ABC had the full story developed. Didn't publish as it was stopped higher up. Other journalists too. They wouldn't report based on the women dropping the case with Bloom stating the reason was a hack on her computer and fear.
Most interesting detail of all of this was Sean Hannity and Trump began the Op at CPAC in 2015, with a set up question Trump blundered. Sean asked, "What do you think about Bill?" Trump referred to the island, problems coming up, but missed the key details to make the clip sizzle. All a set up, seeing as Trump knew Epstein since the mid-eighties to my knowledge and loved to party with the young girls by his own accounting.
We really need to fix the media issues to have a vibrant protected Democracy where the David Gilberts, the Rocco Castoro's and other plants can't harm discourse and truth.
Don't worry. I took a screenshot of my hollow point reference. It is always why I use my real name.