I’m not “dehumanizing” you, *****. I’m saying that you are not being truthful about anything. Your “Resister” LARP is over.
Your double life was pretty hard to figure out but not impossible. You obviously had professional help. But you screwed up, which I will explain in Part IV of my series.
Did you really think that trying to destroy my life for an entire year would have no consequences? That goes for every one of your co-conspirators too.
New York’s pretty cold this time of year amirite, Ms. Detroit?
Two words for your handler: burn notice.
PS. If you did nothing wrong why did you just delete over 4,000 tweets of harassment and defamation?
PPS. This is so precious. You had to run a deletion script to get rid of 4200 tweets of defamation to clean up your liability after I showed everyone what you do for a living. Pretty sure that’s not “technical difficulties,” comrade. 🤭
PPPS. What a weird coincidence that you are repeating the same bizarre specific ARG narrative that Doug Stewart made up and is having people produce videos to support. It’s almost like you know each other and are coordinating your messaging. Almost like a “network.” 🤔
I really wonder what the account that looks at bots, inauthentic behavior, like “follow back trains” has to say about Kassandra clearly using that method as a way to gain followers. I find it very weird that the same account that (correctly) highlights that among other things to watch for on Twitter, is oddly silent about Kassandra having 90k followers (following 40k or so). Search #FBR or #FBRParty with her user name. The tweets from her have been deleted, but it’s clear that she used that strategy.
Also, it needs to be stated, she replies—REPLIES on threads where the OP had blocked her *constantly*. She’s fooling no one aside from the 20 people that agree with her regarding Jim, Heidi etc.
Thank you for your work.
I follow lots of folks on Twitter and none behave like Kassandra and her network, specifically with regard to the vicious and obviously coordinated threats to report users and get people banned and “going after” anyone who disagrees with them.