We are the target nation of a foreign attack. This is not a war in the way we have historically thought of warfare, but it’s just as real and potentially just as dangerous to our way of life. It’s time to be open about what it is and how it works.
This should not be a political message, because the people behind this are oligarchs and foreign dictators, led by a war criminal invading Europe and attacking our allies. This should hardly be controversial. But needless to say, it is.
We see the effects of this new kind of warfare every day. It’s taking casualties in the tens of millions — and we’re left to wonder:
“What happened to my sister?”
“My mom is a whole different person.”
“My best friend thinks I deserve to be executed for treason. Where did he go?”
We all deserve the answers because the answers are knowable. Understanding the problem is the way to solve it.
What makes this complicated is that the enemies’ war on America is being fought through Americans. That’s confusing and heartbreaking, but we must understand that as Lincoln said, no nation can defeat us through a conventional invasion, we can only be destroyed through suicide.
“Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.”
—Abraham Lincoln, 1838, Lyceum Address
Over the last decade, a group of Americans with the assistance of foreign nations has created a massive disinformation engine that has had very dangerous and disruptive effects on our fellow citizens. They’ve purpose-built a psychological war machine designed to cause our national suicide.
Many of us know people whose minds have changed, but not in the normal way. Sometimes this happens gradually and sometimes all at once — when suddenly someone you know is… a different person.
It’s not just their politics that change, people may have a serious change in personality that seems inconsistent with who they used to be. They may be aggressive, abnormally combative, and unable to listen to logic and reason. They may also have surprising new opinions about our adversaries, or be lost in any number of conspiracy cults which target people across the political spectrum.
In most cases, this can be traced to “disinformation” but this is not just propaganda, it’s a coordinated, coercive process which targets vulnerabilities to entice and trap people into an alternate reality. The goal is to create an insulated world for people in which they’re willing to act against their own self-interests, and to wage war against their fellow citizens — or family members — out of terror.
There are large sources of foreign propaganda being run on the app stores of major software and hardware providers. These apps serve hardly any other purpose than disinforming and trapping our citizens into a poisonous vortex of falsehoods and hatred. All of this is reinforced by social engineering, active measures and influence campaigns — with entire websites & TV networks devoted to enemy propaganda.
What’s happening to people is not their fault. They’re casualties of a psychological war. They need help. We cannot leave them on the battlefield. It’s important to remember that no one, in the history of the world, has brainwashed themselves.
As Americans, we should demand that the people collaborating with our foreign enemies be stopped and held accountable, and that our fellow citizens and loved ones be freed from their mental captivity by shutting down sources of enemy warfare, whether the source is foreign or domestic.
We deserve better. Being honest with people should not be controversial.
I keep almost all my content free but paid subscriptions keep me going. Please consider it if you haven’t. It’s going to be very intense over the next 8 months. I‘ll do my best to improve your situational awareness while we get through it.
I also have a DonorBox, if you prefer. And my legal defense fund is at stopmikeflynn.com.
Thanks for your support! 🙏💙🇺🇸
I'm reading
"On Disinformation: How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy" by Lee McIntyre
Ten ways everyone helps stop disinformation in its tracks are in Chapter 6 "How to Win the War on Truth" as long as we all do everything we can.
🔶️Confront the liars🔶️Be a truth teller🔶️Resist polarization🔶️Realize the zombie foot soldiers are victims too🔶️Tune out the BS that there's nothing you can do🔶️Don't fall for false solutions that take 30 years to do🔶️It's false to claim good information stops bad information, it does not🔶️Engage in political activism🔶️Know you are not alone🔶️Keep learning more how disinformation works
You say it's going to be intense over the next 8 months. Don't you mean the next 4 months? So little time and so much to do. Thanks for making it all so clear!