In the last 24 hours, two accounts emerged on Twitter. One is a fan of mine who posted my articles and tweeted some of my thoughts.
I wondered how long Twitter would let her be an outspoken fan of mine. Turns out 24 hours.
She got 200 followers and was not abusive in any way. She tweeted this along with my article on Tracy Diaz:
Here is the result:
Please note Tracy Diaz collected over 37,000 followers in 24 hours before Helen pointed her out. As a reward Helen got banned. Now look who showed up:
Twitter is a catastrophic shitshow. Put a fork in it.
UPDATE: LOL. Ok, Twitter. 👍🏼
Oh, God. I didn’t know Stone was back. I reported Beanz for ban evasion. I’m now seeing a lot of right wing ppl that had long been suspended suddenly back on there with no issue. I’m also getting full on vile replies in my notifications for the first time in a very long time. Good work, Twitter board. This isn’t sustainable.
FFS. So people can post all sorts of harmful stuff on Twitter, Liz Harrington can serve as Trump’s bullhorn on Twitter, but Helen posts some of your content and gets banned? Very disturbing.
I am troubled by the timing of Musk purchasing Twitter and the value placed by private companies on data mining, perhaps to be sold to governments, militaries, intelligence communities, dark money orgs. A good read on privacy issues with regard to companies mining Twitter’s data is here. This could get people killed if the data falls into the wrong hands.