“QAnon Expert” Mike Rothschild: Do you disavow antisemitic cryptofascist Lucien Greaves?
It’s a simple question. Let’s look a little further.
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The only reason I pay attention to Mike Rothschild and his allies is that they are intentionally polluting the narrative about QAnon and the fascist insurgency being raised up around us. They are controlled opposition to QAnon. They are there to protect QAnon, Mike Flynn, and the Russians, not expose them.
The media has been fooled by them for too long. So I’m asking questions.
And again, this is NOT an attack on Satanism in general. It is, however, pointing out that Satanism is being infiltrated and weaponized by people like Lucien Greaves.
I wrote this article yesterday about The Satanic Temple (TST) and its founders who are cryptofascist antisemites. I asked a few questions at the end. Having seen no response I thought I would ask it again with even more context.
Mike Rothschild, do you disavow antisemitic cryptofascist Lucien Greaves?
This article about Lucien Greaves aka Douglas Misicko aka Doug Mesner is by “a group of individualist anarcho-satanists” who want nothing to do with Lucien Greaves and provide an extensive list of his neo-nazi statements, projects and allies.
TW: The rest of the image is disturbing and antisemitic.
In this clip Lucien Greaves (as Doug Mesner) loudly proclaims his TW: genocidal antisemitic beliefs. 2003:
But Lucien Greaves also said the only mistake Timothy McVeigh made was killing the kids in the Daycare Center. McVeigh followed neo-nazi bible “The Turner Diaries.”
It should be noted that while the Might is Right Podcast was recorded in 2003, Lucien Greaves has maintained a friendly business relationship with the neo-nazis (Shane Bugbee and his wife) who created it.
In 2014, Bugbee republished “Might is Right” — a proto-fascist handbook — and included an introduction by the wife of Nazi terrorist David Lane who invented the “14 words” that have been used by white nationalists for decades. He also included artwork by Lucien Greaves.
To say the least, all of this calls into question this article in Vice — July 2013. This is neo-nazi Shane Bugbee interviewing antisemitic cryptofascist Lucien Greaves and completely whitewashing themselves in the process. It’s absolutely disgraceful.
The editor-in-chief of Vice at the time was chaos agent Rocco Castoro, who has made a project of trying to destroy my life and is colleagues with disinformation troll Mike Rothschild who was responsible for destroying my volunteer group The Thinkin Project which was organized to help family and friends of QAnon victims.
Here Mike Rothschild interacts with a single purpose hate account — which only exists to troll me and my friends — and tries to joke his way through his substantial connections to Satanists and antisemitic cryptofascists like Lucien Greaves.
Grey Faction is the PR / propaganda arm of TST and is run by a guy named Evan Anderson who wrote for the third position trash fire Quillette which spawned Andy Ngo and a shitload of other fascist propagandists. Evan has a problem with Muslims.
He is also a misogynist.
Here’s a conference he spoke at put on by Grey Faction / TST last year.
Leading Mike Rothschild’s panel at the inaugural Grey Faction conference is antisemitic cryptofascist Lucien Greaves who I suppose is one of the “top tier guests” Mike Rothschild was referring to.
Mike Rothschild was excited to announce it. Note Rothschild spreads the “Satanic Panic” propaganda right in his tweet.
Now, if it were just this one conference that might be an accident, but it’s not. He has been appealing to TST for years. This is February 2019.
Now, Mike Rothschild hangs around a lot of Satanists, which is fine, except for the ones who are dangerous psychological terrorists. This interview is nowhere to be found. Mike Rothschild, when was this?
There is also this guy, who is not a member of TST as far as I know, but he does lead a “lodge” of the Ordo Templis Orientis aka OTO — which is a Satanic sex cult responsible for an extraordinary amount of terror and crime over many decades.
“QuacksAnonymous” himself is actually a dangerous Satanic cult leader named Jason Miller who charges people money to teach them “Black Magic” — which is a euphemism for sociopathic psychological tormenting on social media.
It should not be surprising that Mike Rothschild’s partner, incel GamerGate cult leader Fredrick Brennan, is a fan of Satanic cult leader and troll trainer Jason Miller aka @QuacksAnonymous as well.
Fred Brennan is associated with a wide array of neo-nazis including Mike Cernovich, Andrew Auenheimer aka Weev, and his Nazi website Daily Stormer, for which he wrote a pro-eugenics article in order to attract more Nazis to 8chan and GamerGate.
Lucien Greaves is also a big fan of eugenics.
GamerGate was popularized by Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopolous. Lucien Greaves actively defended Milo and attacked Satanists for protesting him.
Lucien Greaves’ national council member Greg Stevens is best buddies with Mike Cernovich. And friends with Milo. Are we seeing a pattern here?
Mike Cernovich was hired by Fredrick Brennan to defend 8chan from lawsuits from GamerGate victims traumatized by his misogynistic cult. Cernovich is a misogynist, neo-nazi, pro-rape Russian propagandist.
Here is men’s rights activist and GamerGate lawyer Mike Cernovich and GamerGate cult leader incel wizard Fred Brennan who likes to pose in his jammies to make himself seem less like a psychopathic terrorist.
Speaking of lawyers, the lawyer for the Daily Stormer is also the lawyer for TST. And Alex Jones.
The Satanic Temple itself was “divided” over whether they should hire lawyer-for-Nazis Marc Randazza.
Here are neo-nazi GamerGate lawyer and MAGA3X founder Mike Cernovich and TST big wig Greg Stevens discussing trolling “as a tool for social change.” In April 2016.
Does this ring any bells? Hello, TST. Do you condone this? How about you Mike Rothschild?
So, let’s tie this all together.
Below, Fred Brennan, a psychopathic internet terrorist responsible for an enormous amount of pain, trauma and death over the last decade, accuses me — whose paternal grandparents were Ashkenazi Jews who came over from Russia in the pogroms — of being an antisemite for responding to Mike Rothschild’s trolling and disinformation.
And follows it up with accusing me of “spreading Satanic Panic narratives” which is the number one priority of TST and its PR division Grey Faction. Note this tweet is over a month before Rothschild spoke at the conference.
So when people like Ben Collins promote Fred Brennan and his partner Mike Rothschild, one has to wonder… WTF?
And when mainstream media like the New York Times acts as a stenographer to Fred Brennan and Mike Rothschild’s lies, one has to ask… WTF?
Now, maybe Mike Rothschild has some sort of explanation for why he hangs around antisemitic cryptofascists like Lucien Greaves, and internet terrorists who support them like Fred Brennan. So, once again:
Mike Rothschild, do you disavow Lucien Greaves? How about Fred Brennan? What about Satanic troll trainer Jason Miller and his cult OTO?
And media, please, stop being fooled by these people. It’s all a LARP, and they are laughing at you.