Here is a summary of the “conspiracy theory” created by “Q” and associated disinformation agents — using well-known QAnon slogans:
A Cabal of Elites operates a Deep State to rig elections, enslave you, indoctrinate your children, and create a globalist New World Order.
The Deep State wants to control your mind through Information Warfare. Do Your Own Research. Connect the Dots.
Here is the QAnon “call to action”:
We need a Great Awakening. These People Are Sick.
Save the Children. Stop the Steal. Trust the Plan.
This is the Calm Before the Storm.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Real conspiracies are concealed by fake ones
What I’m calling The Great Projection is the fake “conspiracy theory” meticulously constructed to conceal the actual conspiracy we are seeing the results of right now.
There is a real cabal of elites executing a concealed plan to create a new world order. They do want to control your mind through information warfare.
You are being framed
It is one of the most trite formulas in fiction that Criminal A frames Innocent Person B for their own crimes. Person B become a patsy. A scapegoat.
The scapegoat is you.
All fascists do what is often paraphrased from Goebbels:
Accuse others of what you are doing yourself.
Consider the accusations leveled at liberals, Democrats, Jews, and even “RINOs” about pedophilia, child trafficking, stealing elections, grooming, political violence, abuse of power, etc. etc. etc.
What seemed to be outlandish concepts not long ago like the overthrow of democracy, dismantling Roe, a loudening drumbeat of civilian soft-target massacres, mainstream white nationalism, and overt treason by elected and retired government officials, are now part of everyday conversation.
An integral part of this plan to erode democracy from all directions possible, was the creation of a fake conspiracy to conceal the real one. To make the information landscape so confusing, everyone just gives up trying to figure it out.
That was the purpose of QAnon. It was a Great Projection — a mirror image of what they are actually doing themselves. Your face and mine are in their mirror.
This Is Not A Game
The people behind QAnon used alternate reality game (ARG) techniques that I helped pioneer a long time ago to take this Great Projection story and “gamify” it.
They created a LARP called “Q” that gave out mysterious clues about the fictional reality they invented, and constructed puzzles for people to solve. Except there were no real solutions. There was traumatic, coercive propaganda instead.
The alternate reality of QAnon and its descendants is an intentionally designed psychological operation that serves multiple overlapping purposes, including creating a fake conspiracy designed to conceal a real one — and to frame the victim for the crime. Sadly, in this alternate reality, the victim being framed is you.
This can be used against them
One of the primary ways I have tried to stay ahead of this erosion of reality and democracy has been to — and bear with me — listen to what the propaganda says.
If you understand the geopolitical context and watch how disinformation flows through the system, it’s straightforward to see the concealed message despite the toxic medium. It is always projection of some kind — usually to hide something they don’t want people to know.
“Stop the Steal” means “Start the Steal”
“Save the Children” means “Enslave the Moms”
“Trust the Plan. #WW1WGA” means “Follow Blindly”
“Cabal of Elites” is exactly what they are themselves
So when Trump said there was going to be a “wild protest” against the theft of the 2020 election on January 6th and the seditionists tried to goad the left to the Capitol, I knew this was barely concealed projection. Instead there was going to be a “wild” theft of the election on January 6th and they were going to try to blame “Antifa.”
When I raise the alarm about Mike Flynn’s increasingly genocidal hatred against his targets, projecting his own crimes on Hillary, Democrats, Jews, and liberals — and overtly working in Putin’s interests — I take it seriously.
When I raise the alarm about bioterrorism, it’s not just because the facts support the possibility, but because of the precise way its being weaponized by Flynn’s fifth column which blames “globalists” for a completely unprecedented monkeypox outbreak.
Weaponized projection is also known as gaslighting — making the victim question their own reality by blaming them for their own suffering.
We must harden our population against this simple trick by educating people on how it works. And we need to use their own trick against them to show The Great Projection for what it is, figure out their plans, turn the mirror back around.
UPDATE: Exhibit A
You have been instructing us, by word and example, how to be leaders of re-information in our own communities. I look forward to an eventual, more direct 'education' as discussed here recently! <3