As I have written in detail, the same crew of paid Twitter assassins that inauthentically got me banned were the ones who did it to Rebekah Jones last year.
Now #QElon restored her account. 🤔
As you can imagine Susan Portnoy is upset and is screeching her face off about my “faildox.” It is not a faildox. 😂
And in this incredible tweet, Remi Barrette — who invented a “scandal” about bots that Rebekah supposedly bought, fed disinformation to Susan to troll her about, and then lied about Rebekah in the press, says it’s “shameful.” 🙄
Of course QAnon/Flynn protector Mike Rothschild claims to know that Susan is not Susan and that she is getting “deluged with threats and accusations.”
Bahahaha. Nope. Mike Rothschild is a bald-faced liar.
Rothschild is in fact a fraud and a con artist. He didn’t help start QAnon, he covered for it. He doesn’t work for Russia himself but he works for people who do.
Anyway, congrats Rebekah!
Everyone else #EvacuateTwitter.
Yaaay!! That's one for the good guys. Arrest those other four, useless fkers.