Fuck Your Second Amendment [UPDATED]
An elementary school. Someone saw Sandy Hook and thought “that should happen again.” We don’t know details, but in Texas, you can more or less buy an AR-15 in a 7-11 if you are 18 years old and have a pulse. All of this, because we have allowed these words to be intentionally perverted…
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3 years ago · 30 likes · 7 comments · Jim Stewartson
Judy, you cannot sue the police in Texas. They legislate The Cruelty is the Point.
I am so sad for those kids and the families. Worse, I am pissed off by the lying that went on by the original officer reporting the crime. I am so angry the police waited outside for an hour while kids died. It was a total failure to do their duty! I cannot stop thinking about this. I don’t live there but the horror of this brings me to tears. I worked as a critical care nurse for many years. One seemingly rare trait I process is empathy along with first hand knowledge of a host of medical issues. I am burdened with my mind going to the suffering of those little kids that were shot but still alive that were left to die while the police with assault rifles kept parents away outside yet failed to go in and do the job themselves to stop the guy and secure the room so those kids did not have to bleed out in pain, frightened, just wanting their mommy. I heard a report that they came upon a locked door and were out gunned so they backed off. Who knows what the truth is here. So many lies have been told by the police involved and the governor. However, an hour later, border patrol came upon the locked door and simply walked down to the principals office and asked for a fucking key! OMG! How many little kids could have been saved had the police done that on arrival?! I am not a family member or relative but this is a story I shall never get over. I am so sad and so angry. I am even more pissed at those GOP that block gun regulation at every turn. We must rise up, wake up America. Get the single issue voters to the polls this November, people who have seen enough bloodshed and are upset about women loosing their rights. This is our last chance. If we loose, I might be reading your column from Costa Rica. I am no longer proud to be an American. I am ashamed actually. Still crying in Florida 😢 PS: I do hope Jim gets his wish and a little asteroid hits the NRA convention today or perhaps greedy Ted Cruz will have a giant heart attack or Trump finally have that stroke I have been secretly wishing upon him. I will keep my fingers crossed as there seems to be no warriors on the Democratic side and I cannot believe 1.5 years after an insurrection they have been allowed to continue to spread their vile and keep on criming. Where is justice? Hold them in jail until you finish your investigation. Many attorneys say there is a case. Yet, here we are…. It is still crickets. Another thing I am very upset about is our government cannot be bothered to delay a vacation of which they leave early and stay long! It is not like our country or Democracy is in a crises or anything. They have more vacation time than anyone on the planet! It seems only the J6 committee sees that they have an important job to do and stay and work late with full weeks. Where is everyone else?! Our Democracy is on fucking life support and they leave for holiday! I really don’t see how we can fix this unless our leaders figure out what is happening before it is too late and get some fight in them. I am tired of watching Schumer get played over and over. Biden is busy with a million issues at hand, doing a great job fixing all that Trump broke and managing a war. However, he is old school, I am afraid he hasn’t fully recognized what is going on right in front of him. He spent a year trying to get GOP to the table to negotiate. He got played. All I hear is crickets. They act like it was 40 years earlier…business as usual. Well, it is not! Wake up! Our great country will be lost and it lies squarely on their shoulders.