Rich Higgins, Ginni Thomas, Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Mike Flynn’s Psyop

How Mike Flynn’s allies are brainwashing America

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Rich Higgins was a military intelligence officer who did a “classified project for SOCOM” from 2011-2013 when Flynn was in Afghanistan. He died in February of this year from COVID, which is a blow to the January 6th investigation. Higgins was aware of and helped Mike Flynn’s plan from the start — along with Pentagon insurrection-planner and Flynn protegé Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

Higgins was hired along with Ezra Cohen-Watnick to be on Trump’s National Security Council. He wrote this “internal memo” in 2017 which got him fired because it is an islamophobic, neo-nazi plan to dismantle American democracy. Ezra Cohen-Watnick was fired soon after.

Political Warfare
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The video combines two interviews, one with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife Ginni Thomas in June 2017, and one with Frank Val in 2020 who has a QAnon podcast with Mike Flynn’s employee Tracy Diaz called “Dark to Light.”

The video lays out, through Rich Higgins’ own words, how and why the psyop to overthrow American democracy was planned and how Ezra Cohen-Watnick is at the center of it all.

Much more to come.