For the last six years, there has been an intentional psychological operation to make “Russia” a word that only “conspiracy theorists” say. Starting as soon as he announced his campaign, Trump and his propagandists pushed “Russiagate” as a “scam” and viciously attacked anyone who brought Russia up as mentally ill.
The Mueller investigation, flawed as it was, showed clear coordination between the Russian government, Trump, Flynn, Bannon, Prince, Stone and many others. But Bill Barr was brought in to tank the report in order to cover up the theft of the 2016 election. And he did so. Reminder, Bill Barr did exactly the same thing in Iran-Contra.
Importantly, controlled opposition on the “left” participated in the psyop as well. These Russian propagandists included Glenn Greenwald, who has been owned and operated by Peter Thiel for over a decade. Also Greyzone and Chapo Traphouse.
Louise Mensch and her allies showed up after the 2016 election pretending to be “Resisters” to make up a bunch of crazy-ass lies about Russia to give Trump’s allies ammunition to make any inquiry into Russian influence seemed aligned with her batshittery.
I note that two of her allies in the project to make a “conspiracy theory” out of Russia, are also two of the two people who led the project to get me banned from Twitter six months ago — namely “Conspirador Norteno” aka @conspirator0 aka Remi Barrette, and @KassandraSeven aka Susan Portnoy.
But the most damaging controlled opposition on the “left” may have been Julian Assange, who was infiltrated and compromised by Thiel at the same time as Greenwald. Assange accepted and published Russia-hacked emails which were then used to incite hate against Hillary from both the right and the left through “Pizzagate” propaganda created by Mike Flynn’s operation MAGA3X.
The misogynistic, aggressive “Bernie Bro” phenomenon was largely the result of a psyop as opposed to a legitimate political disagreement. While I don’t mean that Bernie didn’t have avid supporters on the merits, that passion was weaponized to tear down Hillary and split the Democrats.
Chapo Traphouse was the source of a lot of the organized hate that pulled in Bernie supporters. They brutally attacked anyone who brought up Russia and used Pizzagate in the process of generating misogynistic hate against Hillary from the left.
Chapo Traphouse is infamously supportive of Russia.
The leftovers of Chapo have spun out into various groups and created an entire genre of far-left podcasts that are just shy of being QAnon themselves. They obsess about the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein, and love to laugh and troll “shitlibs.” One of these podcasts is “QAnonAnonymous” which sprung directly from Chapo. The podcast hosts and their voluminous trolls have been attacking me and my mental health for two straight years, especially about mentioning Russia.
They tweeted this immediately after I posted my first article that pointed to QAnon as being assisted by the Russians. A few days before I had contacted QAA host “Travis View” subsequently exposed as Logan Strain in the Washington Post about my concerns with Russian influence on QAnon.
Close allies with QAnonAnonymous in the quest to diminish any mention of Russia are two more people who’ve been attacking me for two years.
Fred Brennan told me directly that he thinks “the wrong side lost the cold war. :(“
Fred also wrote for the Russia-friendly neo-nazi website Daily Stormer; he hired Russian propagandist Mike Cernovich to be his lawyer; and Russian propagandists Steve Bannon and Milo used Brennan’s misogynistic 8chan GamerGate cult to create the white nationalist “alt-right.”
The only thing Brennan’s partner Mike Rothschild defends more than Mike Flynn is Russia, including below collaborating with Louise Mensch herself and a single purpose hate account devoted to lying about me for the last 18 months.
Despite all these efforts, the facts remain. Russia has been waging hot psychological war against the United States using domestic traitors for at least six years. Putin’s General Mike Flynn stole the election in 2016 to install Putin’s puppet Donald Trump.
Now Putin has shown his cards and has proven that he is just as dangerous as Hitler was through his genocide in Ukraine.
Joe Biden is finally fighting back against this operation to mindfuck America into a giant blind spot about Putin’s influence. “Russia, Russia, Russia” is the cause of inflation, but it’s also the cause of a hell of a lot more than that, including the operation to cover up for itself.
Democrats need to follow this lead and stop being so fucking afraid to call it like it is.
Russia. Russia. Russia.
The USSR. A. just. Society.😵💫!!! With friendly famines. Joyous deportations. Nice purges. Cool GULags. That guy should just F off to Tomsk. Or Omsk.
Russia, Russia, Russia. Da, da, da.