There is a network of QAnon channels on Russian-owned Telegram that is overtly controlled by the Russian government. Several have six-figure subscriber counts and they are constantly cycled to American audiences in hundreds of other QAnon and white nationalist channels.
It’s easy to make fun of this sort of propaganda. We should not.
For example, “SpecialQForces” has 106k subscribers and pushes propaganda straight out of the Kremlin. This video is about the “special military operation in Ukraine” and cheerleads the destruction of Ukrainian cities.
Here is another Russian government controlled QAnon channel in the same network with 163k subscribers projecting “US BIOWEAPON LABS in UKRAINE” using an interview on RT.
Here is the list of “evidence” from the Kremlin, which includes “Biological incidents deliberately orchestrated by the US.”
As I’ve recently written, Mike Flynn seems to be taking the exact same orders:
Moreover, the Flynns have been weaponizing COVID and now monkeypox for two and a half years.
Regardless of the source of this completely unprecedented and unexplained outbreak of a rare virus that has been documented to be weaponized by Russia, it is being deployed to attack our citizens and stigmatize them.
Given that the White House has already warned about possible biological weapons, why is it silent on all of this? We need some fucking answers.
Next time a virus jumps species, we need to be diligent right off the bat.
I think Putin had one of his GRUnies release Covid in the Wuhan wet mart.