SCOTUS Strikes Down 100-Year Old Gun Law
Husband of insurrectionist Ginni Thomas writes the opinion
In the latest sign that we have a rogue Supreme Court, they just struck down a concealed carry law on the books in New York for a hundred years. The ruling says the Constitution protects the right to carry a gun outside the home.
This means that ANY gun safety laws will be challenged in court and ultimately thrown out by a christo-fascist super-majority on SCOTUS. This is why Mitch McConnell was willing to “negotiate.” He knew the Court was about to throw away states’ rights to regulate guns, rendering most of the “deal” moot.
To make this decision even more jaw-dropping, it was written by Clarence Thomas, whose wife Ginni Thomas is a cult member and a literal seditionist who helped finance and plan the insurrection.
This is a middle finger to the American people and a guarantee of more death, trauma and anguish for families who will have their loved ones snuffed out by racist 18-years olds with AR15s.
As unbelievable as it sounds, a super majority of the Supreme Court are anti-democratic operatives who will do anything in their power to accelerate the End Times. They want civil war.
Clarence Thomas is a traitor like his wife. His presence alone on the Court makes it an illegitimate rogue branch of government. The other two branches, the executive and legislative, have to pull the fire alarm and take every conceivable legal step to stop this madness.
The DOJ needs to charge Ginni Thomas and Congress must impeach Clarence.
We also need to impeach Amy Coney-Barrett who is a cult member who does not answer to the Constitution. Her cult dictates that she must listen to five old white men called “the coordinators” who transmit messages from God. She lied through her teeth to Congress and the American people about her intentions.
Then we do Kavanaugh.
This Supreme Court is at war with the rest of us. We must defeat it. Suit up.
The fact that we are subject to 9 unelected priests in robes to decree what rights we have is utter lunacy. I keep thinking of the leering old priests in the movie The Trial of Joan of Arc. If these institutions are not completely overhauled, we are all going up in smoke (which we are anyway because they are going to gut any attempts to address climate change). Pathetic.
The bought court delivers for its owners and forces us into this Christian fascist hellscape. Is it too early for a drink?