Secret Service Report on Incel Terrorism Threat
I’m grateful to see that the federal government is taking this seriously
Misogyny has been a characteristic of unhappy men for a very long time. But social media provided a way for malicious actors to attract, radicalize and weaponize them against targets.
The Secret Service put out a chilling report about a specific incident that is emblematic of the “incel terrorism threat.”
Here is the full Secret Service report:
Misogyny and the incel movement specifically, was at the root of GamerGate, the alt-right, 8chan and ultimately QAnon.
Incredibly, the person who is arguably most responsible for all of it is currently being quoted in the New York Times as an expert on “Q.”
This article is a work in progress but gives a good introduction to how it all began with the incel movement and metastasized into both the alt-right and the “alt-left” through a pro-Russia “red-brown alliance” against Hillary Clinton, so I’m unlocking it for everyone.
Jim, Thank you for taking this seriously. I want to help but there are so many targets to pursue/attack. Thank you for revealing them. Jan