Social Media Fascism
The harassment and trolling that takes place on Twitter and other platforms is a form of fascism
Fascism is the quest for power at the expense of others. The primary strategy of all fascists is to take advantage of flaws in an existing system to gain influence and target people.
The GOP did this to gain an outsized influence in politics. They screamed about rules and norms when the Democrats wanted anything, and ignored it all when it was what they wanted.
On Twitter, you see this with the reporting system. Social media fascists who only care about their own influence, are willing to exploit flaws in the system in order to silence others to gain power for themselves.
Fascists also require disinformation — propaganda — in order to damage a target.
Of course, social media trolls do the same thing, just on an individual level. For example, this Satanic asshole, Jason Miller, is being paid to troll me and branched out to lying about me on Vimeo comments this morning. This is defamation and Jason Miller is going to be made accountable for all of it. It’s also a form of fascism.
Jason Miller is spreading actual propaganda about me all day long. He also participated with dozens of others to inauthentically get me suspended from Twitter to silence my voice to advantage others.
Here’s another example of weaponizing the rules. Incel Wizard and GamerGate cult leader Fred Brennan is trying to have my Substack taken down.
He claims that my use of this image, which he spent a few bucks to have made, is not “fair use” when it clearly is. I was both using the image in the context of the story and also giving Fred commentary on his image. Just as I am now. When I add the middle finger, I am providing additional commentary:
Weaponizing society to target enemies is what fascists do. I don’t like fascists — or bullies.
As I mentioned, the grace period for all of these people is over.
Disturbing our strongest would need something like a legal team just to retain a voice with others who most likely agree or ought to know.