Soft Coup
Media oligarchs and anxious white men are engaged in an undemocratic effort to depose a duly elected nominee
As I’ve written extensively, we are no longer in a political environment, we are in a psychological war for the future of American and global democracy.
Last night, Joe Biden did a press conference at the NATO summit. He made a mistake early on where he was praising Kamala Harris and accidentally called her “Vice President Trump.” Both the punditocracy and Trump’s cult jumped on it like sharks smelling chum in the water.
Nevertheless, what followed was an hour-long press conference in which the President demonstrated a masterful command of foreign and domestic policy, and handled a hostile press with grace and determination.
For 40 years, Joe Biden has been underestimated and called a “gaffe machine.” People said before the 2020 election that his tendency to mix up words would make it impossible for him to win. They were dead wrong.
Voters instinctively understand the difference between someone with a stutter and normal aging, and someone with cognitive impairment. No one would have been able to handle a press conference like that with dementia or any of the lies being told about the President.
The actual data from the debate is that it hurt Donald Trump much more than Joe Biden. But the media refuses to recognize this and is openly constructing an alternate reality in which the nominee voted for by American citizens is in trouble.
He simply isn’t in trouble with the voters. The reality is that the oligarchs who own media companies profit from drama, chaos and upheaval, so they are manufacturing an effort to take away the franchise of the citizens and replace the nominee with someone else of their choosing.
It is nothing short of a soft coup against the President. It’s being aided and abetted by a bunch of elite, nervous white men who get air time by going along with this psyop.
And, let’s be clear, this is a classic psychological operation. There is no plan for an alternative. There is no candidate being put forward to replace him. It’s just people piling on to a non-story to make it a story. It’s designed to sow doubt in the minds of the voters, to give power back to elites to make decisions for us.
People like George Clooney who lives in an Italian villa with his wife — who was antisemitic Kremlin cutout Julian Assange’s lawyer in his rape trial — have piled on to try to be our saviors.
Really, this is nothing new. “But his debate” is the new “but her emails.” It’s a psyop being promoted by the corporate media to attack the Democrat, because they profit from a “horse race.” Gullible and opportunistic white men have decided to pile on because they don’t think the outcome will affect them.
Meanwhile, as the duly elected Democratic nominee was fielding questions at NATO, Donald Trump was meeting with fascist dictator Viktor Orban a week after Orban visited Putin.

We are being fed bread and circuses while Project 2025 is getting geared up, and Mike Flynn’s network is preparing for a new Fourth Reich.
As just one example, on Flynn’s podcast, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller said that the biblical Lot was destroyed “to preserve the pure race… for the Messiah.”
“The idea of creating a society… You can’t have a bunch of men sleeping with other men… We have to incentivize families… You have to have massive incentives for that category of demographics. If we don’t, we’re going to run out of time here annd another culture will take over.”
—Mike Flynn
They want to eliminate gay people, just as the Nazis did.
These are the stakes. Mike Flynn will be in the White House if we lose. The targets have been identified and the plan is in place. We must stop forming a circular firing squad and unite behind our candidate. We must not allow our vote to be cancelled. It’s a dangerous, undemocratic attempt to disenfranchise us and torpedo a duly elected candidate chosen by the voters.
I refuse to go along with this soft coup. I’m voting for strength. I’m voting for empathy. I’m voting for a President with a historic record of achievement with a brilliant, highly qualified Vice President. I’m voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 🇺🇸
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It's hair-raising.