“StewAnon” — Controlled Opposition to QAnon Creates Public Out-Group
After 31 months the cult formed to obscure the truth about QAnon comes out
As my readers know, I have been plagued from the beginning of my journey trying to expose and dismantle QAnon by systematic harassment and abuse from a large menagerie of internet terrorists who want to stop me — or at minimum discredit me.
The name they have created for the literal cult devoted to hatred of me personally is “StewAnon” which is, obviously, a conflation of my family name and QAnon.
Needless to say, this slur is intentionally insulting and harmful, aimed at making me seem crazy or worse. If you search for “StewAnon” on Twitter, you will be presented with dozens of accounts and hundreds of thousands of tweets devoted to destroying my character.
I’ve written about this abuse in Trolls and Miscreants because I feel it’s important to document what happens to people who are targeted online, and to have a public record of defending myself.
One of the main characters in this persistent, brutal attack is Mike Rothschild who interacts with and validates the worst of my trolls on a daily basis. But his abuse is not limited to coordinated harassment on Twitter, he has put his defamation into print several times as well, including a hit piece that destroyed my volunteer group.
The reason for his behavior is simple. Mike Rothschild’s job is not to research or “report” on QAnon, or to properly explain it, his job to prevent people from understanding QAnon. He wrote an entire book specifically designed to confuse people about QAnon and to promote it to the left.
Now that I’m back on Twitter and regaining my influence, Rothschild is increasingly desperate to discredit me. So now he is going on podcasts devoted to… “StewAnon.”
Jared Holt is a relatively minor character in the controlled opposition who uses his “aw shucks” manner to intentionally deflect from the truth about… anything, but especially Russia. So he was a natural choice to devote an episode of his podcast to defamation of me personally.
This public abuse is being promoted and celebrated by the most vicious and devoted of my trolls because it’s all one operation — to destroy me and the correct narrative about QAnon and Mike Flynn.

The fact is that Mike Rothschild, Jared Holt, Will Sommer, Amanda Moore, QAnonAnonymous, Fred Brennan and dozens of single purpose hate accounts are working together with the goal of destroying my life and discrediting my work because their livelihoods are dependent on it.
The truth about QAnon, Russia, Mike Flynn and the psychological war we’re all experiencing is dangerous to dangerous people. That’s why there has been so much money and expenditure of effort to create the smear known as “BlueAnon.”

This is what they are desperate to distract from — 2 1/2 years of actual research and answers. They attack me because I am right.

I do have to say, in conclusion, that the fact that Mike Rothschild is publicly creating an out-group and scapegoating me with a slur used by hate accounts is in some ways very helpful. It shows clearly what his goals and tactics have always been, and provides a perfect example of Mike Flynn’s digital soldiers at work.
Mincemeat Prison Gang is terrified of you, boo. You're everything they will never be...good people. Suture up those wounds! We have work to do. Love you ✌️😎
Glad to see you're recovered from the virus, Jim. Keep giving them the hell they deserve.