For the last week, I have been studying one of the most frightening sectors of American madness I have seen in three years of doing this work. I’m well-practiced at kicking social media hornets nests to study hornets—being “trolled” has no effect on me at this point—but this brigade was different. After several days of making myself the center of their attention, I started to receive death threats and there are now bags of 9mm bullets being sold with my name and face on them.
Please note, I am not complaining about this. This is what I do, and this project was very successful. But I won’t sugar coat this either. It’s scary shit.

“Horseshoe theory” or the “red-brown alliance” is a tactic used to subvert democracies by influencing people on both sides of the political spectrum to hate their own country. I’ve covered countless “tankies” on the left who side with Putin, not to mention the vast QAnon/MAGA cult on the right. But the people right in the middle, who disclaim allegiance to any nation or political ideology are the most radical. They desire conflict. They want chaos wherever they can create it because they believe the entire system needs to be destroyed.
While there has always been an “anarchist” strain in America, and “libertarianism” is not new, these ideologies have been hijacked and weaponized by disaffected veterans—and some active duty service members—to stockpile homemade firearms for a civil war they want to foment. It is difficult to gauge the size of this movement but after being shown hundreds of images and videos of garage-made plastic firearms in a few days, I would guess it’s in the hundreds of thousands.
This is not a small fringe thing anymore. We’ve always had “preppers” and a segment of the population that not only believes a civil war is coming—but wants it.
But now the same social media psyops tools used to brainwash tens of millions in America alone, are being used to radicalize and mobilize a large self-claimed “anarchist” gun cult. Here are a few images sent to me in my replies from people in this movement. Generally speaking, the black parts are bought from gun manufacturers that do not need a license or registration for purchase, while the colorful parts are built on 3D printers at their homes out of plastic.

The “GoldCorp” stickers by the “Nerf” semi-automatic rifle above is a “joke meme” used by parts of this group to self-identify. It’s made up of almost entirely veterans who are trying to both prepare and create civil war. It comes out of the “boogaloo bois” movement that created a great deal of the violence attributed to “Antifa.”
For example, the fires in Minneapolis during the George Floyd protests.
Note this “GoldCorp” account’s avatar. It’s a bastardization of the “Ghost Army” logo. Ghost Army was a legendary psychological operations team in WWII that played a significant part in helping the Allies win the war.
Another disturbing component of this gun-printing quasi-anarchist movement is its open use of psychological warfare tactics—with the potential cooperation of active US military in Ft. Liberty (previously Ft. Bragg). I’m specifically concerned about the 4th PSYOP Group whose official TwitterX account blocked me after I asked it some questions. Here is their actual recruitment video which is nearly indistinguishable from a QAnon video.
After engaging with the 4th PSYOP Group account, I was confronted by a large team of accounts that looked like this—led by a retired Sgt. Major who runs a podcast where he attacks people concerned about the boogaloo movement, including veterans and civilians. Many of these accounts also self-identify as “GoldCorp.”
The swarming, aggressive, coordinated behavior of this group to the slightest pushback was as vicious as I’ve ever seen on social media. It wasn’t overtly political, it was just raw rage accompanied by countless pictures of homemade weapons and what might or might not have been my front door.
This is the definition of a death cult. They want death. The prepare for it. They threaten it. And if given the chance they will make it.
People in this group will and have committed violence. It’s generating people with no ideology but chaos—and stockpiles of homemade firearms. Here’s one that DMed me a few days ago.
With a great deal of help I was able to identify this psychopath. Appropriate authorities have been alerted.
After I started getting more messages like this and the group continued to escalate I shut down my direct engagement. 99.9% of these threats were bluster, but it’s the 0.1% I worry about.
If the sociopolitical environment in America continues to deteriorate, this group will be mobilized for guerrilla, asymmetric warfare. These are lost people who have decided that violence is necessary and are waiting for the chance to create it.
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Well that was an interesting yet scary read. I agree with Lor, there are no words that are adequate, but I am grateful to be kept in the loop no matter how distressing the news. May the odds be forever in your favor.
Jim no words will suffice. Gratitude. Keep safe. Please. The magnitude of terror. Not sure how to digest this yet.