The first “Q” was James Brower and Microchip working for #MAGA3X, Flynn (and the Russians)
“Q” was always intended to create a racist, fascist, theocratic cult. It was always controlled by and benefitted Mike Flynn. And it was Russian propaganda from the start.
Jack Posobiec said “QAnon was started by two friends of mine.” While Posobiec often lies, this time he’s not — he’s referring to his friends James Brower and “Microchip.”
I’ll get into Microchip more in a separate post, but for now think of him as the worst troll on the internet, both in terms of message and ability. He’s behind some of the most brutal troll attacks in history and is highly technically capable. He was able to control large numbers of both automated bots and human trolls to influence the narrative. And he did it for a long time.
The day before the first Q Drop, Oct 27, 2017, Microchip announced “Operation Titty Twister” whose stated goal was to get progressive voices suspended on Twitter. 😒
Included in the list of targets of the op is Louise Mensch who is controlled opposition for fascists and has been since she suddenly stopped working for Rupert Murdoch in 2016. She met with white nationalist shitlord Milo and international terrorist Erik Prince that summer and instantly became a batshit “resister” who muddied the water about Russian influence by accusing everyone she meets of being “Vlad” and participating in harmful influence wars, including one that ended in suicide. Far-leftists also use her as a straw man for trolling “libs” for being “BlueAnon.” 📌
James Brower and Microchip stopped posting after the first several days of the Q LARP (live action role play character) and left the Discord server they were cooperating in — which had been set up by Manuel Chavez aka defango.
New people, including operatives of Mike Flynn and Roger Stone had joined the server by then to carry it forward. Brower and Microchip had successfully set up the LARP’s goals and voice.
Here is James Brower admitting to it at the time. Check the date.
November 4th, 2017 was six days after the Q LARP started. Brower wanted to put a signature on his part of the LARP and take no blame for the rest. Note that the person who archived this 15 minutes after Brower posted it is Dutch. QAnon was first spread on Twitter by a group of Dutch GamerGate trolls led by a guy called GeneraalOfGamerGate who also participated in 2016 psyops in a group called MAGA3X with Brower.
Briefly, MAGA3X was a group set up at the RNC in 2016. It was very much like ISIS, set up in “cells” that accomplished specific objectives online through inauthentic activity, radicalization and harm. The first objective was to destroy Hillary Clinton by any means necessary, which they accomplished through a number of psyops including Pizzagate. MAGA3X was a project of Peter Thiel, Mike Flynn, Mike Cernovich, Baked Alaska, Jack Posobiec, memetic warfare specialist Jeff Giesea and a who’s who of harmful trolls and ops.
Cernovich MAGA3X video about Hillary
Flynn tweeted MAGA3X dozens of times and spelled out the hashtag at Trump campaign events.
Brower, who was paid by MAGA3X, was trying to make a name for himself in the months leading up to “Q” by spreading “scoops” about “Antifa” — including an interview on Flynn ally Alex Jones’ show.
On this episode, 21 days before Q started, James Brower is spreading conspiracies about the Las Vegas shooting which Q did as well. On a personal note, another Flynn ally, harmful propagandist Tony Shaffer who managed — with the cooperation of leftist trolls — to get me suspended from Twitter, was on the same show with Brower.
Brower was also a “State Assistant Director for Trump” in the 2016 campaign.
Here are the three amigos, including James Brower sparring with @bitburner about Microchip’s identity the month before Q started.
Here’s more on Brower and Microchip, same month Q started:

Here are James Brower and Microchip stating that they get paid by the Russians and the Chinese “to bring the USA to it’s knees.”
Why would they say this? They could be kidding, but everything they do is either Russian propaganda or designed to undermine democracy. Microchip infamously cooperated with hordes of actual Russian bots to accomplish his objectives and they were all involved in the Russian interference ops with MAGA3X in the 2016 election.
Here’s Microchip hitting another of Q’s favorite targets, George Soros, who basically just serves as a proxy for Jews.
Another major theme of Q was pretending “Antifa” was some sort of threat. This is three years before the George Floyd protests.
In May 2017 James Brower indicated he has a “trusted source” close to Steve Bannon. He was also promoting Shiva Ayyaduri, who is currently one of the worst anti-vaxx propagandists working with the Flynn machine. While Brower was obviously not located in Moscow, he was clear that he is perfectly comfortable with the connection.
The Podesta emails were a Russia-supported operation designed to tear down Hillary Clinton that was executed domestically by Mike Flynn and Roger Stone with the help of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
As just one example of how the Podesta emails were weaponized by this cartel, the Russian IRA, who had hacked the emails, gave them to Wikileaks for distribution. One email led to propaganda about “spirit cooking” which was promoted by Assange. This was picked up by Posobiec and Flynn through MAGA3X and turned into the Pizzagate quasi-cult which was amplified by Brower, Microchip and legions of their radicalized trolls. Pizzagate was the prototype for QAnon.
One of the first “scandals” that Q focused on was “Uranium One.” James Brower was very engaged with the topic as well.
Flynn was a leading member of the Trump campaign and a leader of MAGA3X. James Brower was a leader of the Trump campaign in Flynn’s home state and a leading member of MAGA3X. Flynn has a long history of consorting with young, male neo-nazis to weaponize dark parts of the internet.
In 2017, James Brower lived in Rhode Island. So did Mike Flynn and his entire Flynn family and Flynn Org operation. Was Mike Flynn watching over his shoulder while Brower composed the first Q drops? Did they workshop the first posts together?
Everything about the Q drops themselves supports the framework that QAnon was a professionally engineered psyop managed by professionals and operated by radicalized internet trolls to create more of themselves.
Just like Pizzagate, the operation was launched on 4chan and Twitter because there are a large quantity of young radicalized men happy to create the worst content on earth and traumatize people they don’t like. Also like Pizzagate, “Q” was based on objectives provided by anti-democratic forces running the show. This was not “just a larp.”
There are people on both sides of the argument that say the Q drops are either too knowledgeable or too amateurish. That’s on purpose. It had to have some credibility and talk about real issues and insights, but it couldn’t seem like it was not part of the culture. It had to feel organic, so they hired people who knew how to do it. Brower and Microchip had followings and experience with Pizzagate and lots of other anti-democratic ops.
The objectives of Q all benefitted Mike Flynn from the very beginning — politically, strategically, legally and financially. It also similarly benefitted the Russians.
Flynn set up his Flynn Defense Fund the month before the first Q drops. He ultimately filled the fund and hired QAnon lawyer Sidney Powell from the money his family raised through QAnon.
Let’s take a look at just the first few drops for now. Whenever there is a red box around a drop, it’s because I’m indicating the IP address of the poster changed since the drop before. This could be because of a network change (VPN), or a new login device which may or may not mean a new person — although in many cases it clearly does.
“HRC extradition” are the first two words of the Q LARP. Why? Of all the targets in the world to highlight, why Hillary — a year after she was defeated and out of politics? What relevance was she? It ultimately didn’t matter that she wasn’t arrested of course. Q was just telling everyone what the goal was. To use propaganda to destroy Democrats — and democracy.
The reason they recycled Hillary Clinton was because the goal of QAnon was to radicalize people through hate. Flynn and his allies had already created a cult of hate about her, why not tap into it? Plenty of ways to leverage it. And lots of pre-made content.
“Mockingbird” is Flynn’s way of blaming “fake news” on the CIA who he hates with a passion since he believes they got him fired and he thinks “3 letter agencies” are all corrupt. “Operation Mockingbird” is an old CIA program to deliver propaganda through the media.
The second name that’s mentioned is Flynn’s second favorite target — Huma Abedin. Huma was ruthlessly lied about through 2016 and Pizzagate by the Flynn cartel. She’s a convenient target because her husband Anthony Weiner has problems (he is “AW” above) and because she’s useful for islamophobic conspiracy theories.
The next thing Q volunteers is that “this has nothing to do with Russia (yet.)“ For some reason Q is telling its audience immediately that Russia is out of bounds. Why? Why this is one of the very first things Q says? Well, from that moment forward there is zero negative talk or propaganda about Russia or Putin in any part of the sprawling global cult that came out of this LARP.
The next question is “Why does Potus surround himself with generals?” Why bring bring up generals right away? Of course Mike Flynn cannot help but constantly use his rank to his benefit. Why stop now?
Next question: “What is military intelligence?” This term is what defines Mike Flynn in his own mind. Flynn was head of the DIA, the very top of military intelligence, until he got fired by a Black President with Hillary as Secretary of State which he will never, ever forgive or forget.
“Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.” Defining the enemy and the savior. The in-group and out-group. Of course in the out-group are a woman, a Jew, and a Black man. The in-group must worship a philandering Russian asset as the new Jesus Christ and dehumanize anyone who doesn’t agree with you.
“Rod/Bob” are Rod Rosenstein and Bob Mueller who are targets because of their cooperation with the Russia investigation, including Flynn, who was a month away from pleading guilty to illegally communicating with the Russians. “Q” is spinning a conspiracy theory about them being involved in the non-existent “Uranium [One] scandal” which was also separately amplified by Brower and Microchip.
“Trust in your President” is an early version of “Trust the Plan” a QAnon slogan which means actively giving up control of your own decisions. In other words: “Don’t ask why I’m telling you to do this. Just be a good (digital) soldier.”
QAnon was always supposed to be a cult to destroy democracy. And it was always run by Flynn.
“Q” had many authors but the first two were James Brower and Microchip. More to come.
I hope that if you like this, you will paste this article anywhere you see someone say “Ron Watkins is Q” — who was nowhere in the picture for over a month after “Q” started. That is disinformation spread by a segment of the far-left for reasons we’ll talk about later. Ron Watkins ran the website and got into a few shenanigans around “Q” but he didn’t create it, operate it or write it.
More to come. 🤓🏴☠️
UPDATE 1: Louise Mensch, as I noted, is controlled opposition. She’s currently running around the internet calling me names and denying Mike Flynn has anything to do with Q. Thank you Louise — for this confession.
UPDATE 2: Ron Watkins is a narcissistic idiot who is incapable of larping. He was involved with QAnon starting in December 2017 and locked “Q” to 8chan in at the beginning of 2018. However, Ron Watkins was just an enabler. He’s a patsy, not a mastermind.
Crist, I wish I was more internet savvy. Just bonkers evil people. I honestly am concerned for you. Can't even imagine what you're going through. And your friends and family. I'm trying to decide where I'm more useful in the movement here where I live right now. Any suggestions Jim?,
Hey Jim! This is Betoangelmommas -- I sent you an email a over the weekend over the latest astroturfing campaign I am seeing from all our favorite neo-nazi, alt-right, fascist wannabes who brought us Jan 6. Hoping you will take a look at it if you haven't yet -- first part of email addy is same as my user name here!