The Insurrection Was Plan B: Part III
The CrUSAIDs: How the Government of the United States was weaponized by christofascists and how much worse it might have been
This is a multi-part series on a secret plan to execute a bloodless coup against the U.S. Government — using the government itself.
This work is based on the research of @gal_suburban and associates.
Part I: The Insurrection Was Plan B
Part IV: The Coup at the Pentagon
Nearly a thousand years ago, European Christians, including the Catholic Church, launched the Crusades — a multi-century genocidal holy war — to retake the Holy Land from Islamic rule. Some of the militaristic Orders of the Church that fought those battles are still in operation with the same mission — to eliminate Islam from the planet.
Present day Crusades look different, however. The battle is primarily fought in the information space — by lobbyists in Congress, institutes of mass destruction funded by dark money, social media psyops, and by attacking elections. But the goals of the modern day crusades are similar — reclaiming an ideological dominion over the Holy Land and its people.
In short, this holy war is still going on — it’s just hidden in plain sight.
The reason for their fervor is important to understand. Dominionist and dispensationalist ideology teaches that in order for the Rapture to happen — which precedes the End Times — Jerusalem must be occupied by Christians. Jesus will then return to Earth, taking the faithful with him. The rest of us, including the Jews, will be “left behind” to die a bloody death.
Donald Trump was the Trojan Horse for this doomsday ideology. Evangelicals helped propel Trump to the White House in 2016, despite his complete lack of traditional Christian qualities and values. His willingness to comply with their demands was enough to gain their support, however, and on January 6, 2021 their desire to keep him in power culminated in the near death of democracy.
Donald Trump: How Evangelicals Helped Him Win | Time
Trump’s Cabinet was a payoff to his patrons on the religious right — full of Dominionists like Erik Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos — literally put in charge of dismantling public education — and CIA Director turned Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — put in charge of dismantling US foreign policy.

This is how and why agencies within the federal government would ultimately be the key to Plan A to install Donald Trump as permanent king of America.
In 1961, President Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into law and created USAID by executive order. Once USAID got started, international development assistance opportunities grew exponentially — including the proliferation of NGOs. The time during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations became known as the “decade of development.”
Critics of USAID have long been concerned with the agency’s long working relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In the 1960s a unit within USAID, now disbanded, called the Office of Public Safety served as a front for training foreign police in counterinsurgency methods, including torture.
The motto for the agency, “From the American People”, meant something entirely different under the Trump administration. Trump and his destructive forces sought to limit the agency’s reach and mission by insisting that the agency’s objective focus on pushing self-reliance on countries in need. He slashed funding, while at the same time he and Pompeo created religious “freedom” initiatives to pour American tax dollars into instead.
As discussed in PART I of this series, USAID was taken over by loyalists around the same time the leadership of the Defense Department was replaced — immediately after Trump lost the 2020 Election. The moves that occurred at USAID and the Pentagon were premeditated and designed to facilitate the overthrow of the government.
Why include USAID in this plan? Why use an international agency designed for humanitarian relief?
Because USAID has the infrastructure and personnel to conduct elections — the Democracy, Rights & Governance department under the Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation, and the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization, for example. USAID also has a huge budget — more than $30 billion — and supplies Grant monies to NGOs, nonprofits and corporations.
USAID also has the experience to rerun elections. For example, USAID took over Operation Iraqi Freedom. In September 2010 the US Military officially ended combat operations in Iraq and shifted the leadership of US engagement to civilians with USAID taking point.
The U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement, which USAID helped craft, is the bilateral assistance framework for relations between both countries. The program in Iraq evolved in phases. From 2003 to 2005, assistance focused on restoring essential services such as infrastructure, health care, and education, as well as helping Iraqis develop a new constitution and a government that respected the rights of all its citizens. In January 2005, the Iraqi Government was able to hold its first free and fair elections with USAID support, marking an important step in Iraqi sovereignty.
Rebuilding Iraq: U.S. Achievements Through the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund
According to this November 2005 Situation Report from USAID, the agency boasted Ten Strategic Accomplishments ranging from Ensuring Economic Stability, to Supporting the New Constitution, Expanding Political Inclusion, and Improving Primary Health Care.
Expanding Political Inclusion. USAID assistance has helped prepare Iraq for two national elections, numerous provincial council elections, and the Constitutional Referendum of October 15. In preparation for the January 2005 election, USAID helped the IECI set up the voter registration system, and worked with the UN on balloting procedure. USAID-supported NGOs distributed election materials, televised debates, and led over 22,000 town meetings to educate voters. USAID and a local NGO trained over 8,000 election monitors. Current efforts are preparing 15,000 monitors for the December 15th elections.
It is important to note that the State Department and USAID were in the process of complying with Executive Order #13964, issued on December 10, 2020: Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance to Advance American Influence.
The order directs the agencies to develop a single logo within 30 days that can be prominently displayed on all materials related to programs and projects of USAID. Installed Acting Deputy Administrator John Barsa issued a statement the same day, “USAID looks forward to implementing this important Executive Order in close coordination with the US Department of State.”

Here are the people installed at USAID to execute the plan to overthrow American democracy:
One of these temporary USAID employees, Tim Meisburger, has now signed on to Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne’s anti-democratic election fraud operation “The America Project.”

It appears Executive Order #13848 was set to be executed based on fraudulent accusations of foreign election interference, which would have enabled Trump to direct the US National Guard to seize voting equipment in the designated swing states, or any other states of their choosing, and then deploy USAID to function as the “Election Infrastructure.”
This type of operation would be familiar to those who served in the US Armed Forces, specifically during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). One such veteran who would have extensive knowledge of this mission is Michael Flynn, who served as the Director of Intelligence, Joint Special Operations Command at the time.
“During the Afghan and Iraq wars, the careers of two military officers often intersected. Army General Michael Flynn and an Army Reserve colonel named Phil Waldron worked together on secret projects in both countries, Waldron said. When Flynn was appointed to run the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, Waldron said he worked at the DIA’s clandestine service.”
It should be noted that another man who worked with Mike Flynn during this period was Blackwater founder and christofascist terrorist Erik Prince who was overtly executing the Crusades in the Middle East.
We will explore the military component of the Plan in Part IV.
Please share this article if you found it of value. This is an important story that is not being covered by the media. The January 6th Committee should understand the full context of the events that led up to the insurrection.
Part I: The Insurrection Was Plan B
🤓 Part III is so scary! Someone make sure it gets to the committee please.
I apologize ya’ll, but CrUSAIDs. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OMFG