The Operation Trying to Protect QAnon is Falling Apart
“Q Slayers” and “QAnonAnonymous” made big promises about combating QAnon. But so far they have succeeded mostly in attacking anyone who actually gets to the truth.
TW: Suic*de
Corrupt journalist David Gilbert of Vice News wrote this defamatory article about me and my volunteer group The Thinkin Project which relied on fake “Q expert” Mike Rothschild for comment, as well as “anonymous sources” — who were white nationalist internet terrorist Doug Stewart and GamerGate cult leader Fred Brennan’s suicide trolls who had infiltrated our Discord server, including psychopath Robin Eriksson who is now ban evading and followed by Gilbert on Twitter.
We were only “falling apart” because of coordinated harassment which David Gilbert at a minimum knew all about. And because he told me through the questions he asked that he was writing a hit piece, like:
“What do you respond to people who say you are ‘dangerous?’”
The subhead is pure defamation. We made no such promises and we did no such thing. Ever. This isn’t even yellow journalism, it’s KiwiFarms or 8chan disguised as reporting.
“The Thinkin Project made big promises about deradicalizing QAnon believers. But so far it’s succeeded mostly in attacking and alienating journalists and QAnon researchers.”
This is only one of the reasons that David Gilbert and ViceNews (not VICETV) are going to be defendants in my lawsuit. This particular lie has been harming me for a year and a half. But it’s just one of many.
Regardless, I thought the headline was worth reusing to describe the utter shitshow the controlled opposition has become since he wrote the article.
The Operation to Protect QAnon is Falling Apart
As the actual truth about January 6th, QAnon, and the fascist insurgency we see all around us comes out, this group of LARPs is struggling to figure out how to stay relevant, and escape the fact that they have been intentionally wrong for many years.
Like that time Gilbert freaked out because a report correctly identified Russian influence in QAnon.

“Now bad actors are using the report’s findings as ‘proof’ that QAnon is a Russia [sic] psyop— which it isn’t.”
David Gilbert was lying in his petulant tweet. And giving away his purpose. The “bad actors” are people like me who actually read the report. And why so sensitive about a “Russia psyop?” Man, they realllly hate that phrase. 🤷♂️
Read the report for yourself and see who’s more credible. The Soufan Center?
Or this troll?
Gilbert was also lying in this hit piece about it. Incredibly, Gilbert resorted to Twitter trolls as his “evidence” that the report was faulty — which it wasn’t. This is just blatant, intentionally manufactured disinformation and targeting to protect Russia.
For several years, David Gilbert has been the stenographer for the controlled opposition to QAnon. He has promoted every bit of disinformation about QAnon fed to him by Rothschild and Brennan, all in the project of misleading the public about what’s really happening in America so we can’t protect ourselves.
As I have noted, the disinformation agents who have promoted lies for years are faced with a crisis. How to distract from how much they gaslit everyone?
Well, they do stuff like brainwash a journalist into believing they have made a sudden conversion to the right side of history and then feed them both good and bad info in order to shift the narrative as instructed and promote themselves in the process.
Then they use the platform created by the journalist to invite people to troll their targets to suicide — in this case, me.
This was brought to my attention and I don’t even know what to say. Mike Rothschild is literally doing what KiwiFarms does in this tweet. He is reversing reality and somehow declaring that I “publicly admitted” that I “support KiwiFarms” which is pure unadulterated defamation and inviting a pile on.
In the meantime his partner Fred Brennan just called me a “lolcow“ which is what you call KiwiFarms targets. This is all pure DARVO.
It is also intentionally exposing me to a website that kills people.
They have been resorting to crazier and crazier conspiracy theories about me because they have run out of ideas. There’s no more hiding what they’re doing. They have been trying to silence and smear me to protect QAnon by misdirecting the public and the press from the truth:
QAnon is a “Russia psyop” [sic] directed by Mike Flynn aka “Q.”
Get over it.
The truth is coming out whether they like it or not. Actual documentaries that deal with the subject correctly are coming out, including my own which this group has criminally tried to suppress.
They are on the wrong side of history and they don’t care. They are sociopaths who see this as a game — an ARG where everyone else is an NPC — a non-player character.
Well, I am not an NPC, bitches. I am your boss monster. Come get it.