The Press Are Showing Their True Colors
Who else is willing to take orders to both-sides fascism?
I used to retweet Brianna Keilar because she was willing to speak truth to power, but apparently she is willing to go along with the program. This is very sad.

There are new bosses at CNN, including “libertarian billionaire” John Malone who has explicitly called for more fascist commentators because he makes more money from being Fox-lite.
Watching the coverage on CNN over the last few months has been embarrassing and horrifying. They just keep adding more and more “Republican commentators” and pushing more right wing narratives.
At the same time they are canceling the shows that dare speak the truth.
So apparently Brianna Keilar is fine with this and chose to focus on the setting of Biden’s speech warning of an existential threat to our nation and called it “divisive.”
That’s what quislings do, Bri.
In the meantime, in the real world, while I’m happy with Biden’s speech last night, he needs to do more. We all need to do more.
Networks come and go, just like CNN apparently has. And reporters show their stripes. Let’s see which other anchors and reporters at CNN are willing to slide into fascism per their bosses orders.
Never thought CNN and "jumped the shark" went together, but boy, do I now!