“The Resistance” was a chaos operation
Obviously not everyone who participated was on the wrong team, but many of its leaders were malicious actors who are still targeting people
In Summer 2016, a large operation to influence politics through propaganda and psychological warfare was set up by Erik Prince, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and Peter Thiel — we’ll call them “Putin’s Five Frens.”
Part of this operation was setting up controlled opposition — meaning recruiting people that would pretend to be against the project to destroy democracy, while clandestinely working towards it by spreading disinformation and causing chaos.
This included setting up LARPs on the left to infiltrate sincere movements, disrupt their objectives, and cause trauma and chaos against targets. They paid Israeli psyop company Psy-Group to set them up.
They also did it themselves through MAGA3X.
#TheResistance was a leftist movement set up in early 2017 by bad actors. It was led by Louise Mensch and a series of other malicious operatives, many of whom are still alive and well on Twitter, distracting and distorting reality for their followers and targeting enemies. They trolled one person into suicide.
Understanding these LARPs can be complicated, but they each have roles to play. Louise Mensch’s role was to be as ridiculous as possible without losing the attention of the cult-like following she developed from disaffected liberals, just as Milo said:
Importantly, Erik Prince was at the same meeting:
“Resister” #KassandraSusan
Weaponized professional troll #KassandraSusan was a “Resister” of course and has cooperated with Louise Mensch and other dangerous people in a number of operations starting in early 2017.
She got involved in extremely harmful battles between various artificial factions on the left that spent their time fighting each other instead of doing anything productive — by design.
As I have mentioned, this entire persona is fake. The person behind this account is a Russian-speaking former PR executive and erstwhile travel blogger who lives in NYC and makes money by psychologically traumatizing people on Twitter and silencing their voices.
“Resister” Conspirador Norteno
Since weaponized tango musician Conspirador Norteno has now participated in several harmful operations in cooperation with #KassandraSusan and Louise Mensch to target, harass and defame me and get me and anyone who agrees with me suspended, I am now more interested in him.
A quick look at his archive of tweets is revealing. Conspirador Norteno was a “Resister” who cooperated with Louise Mensch from the beginning. 🤔
Here’s another interesting tidbit. #KassandraSusan and tango musician Conspirador Norteno joined Twitter at the same time, right when all these LARPs were being set up by Putin’s Five Frens. By itself it’s not proof of anything of course, but I think it’s notable that a whole lot of these anonymous “Resisters” set up shop exactly at the same time.
Who is this guy?
When “Conspirador Norteno” comes to white knight #KassandraSusan in the project to destroy my influence and reputation I think it’s important to have context.
The context is that this guy who appears to have influence at Twitter Safety, also appears to be a LARP set up at the same time as #KassandraSusan and Louise Mensch to patrol the left, gatekeep information, and silence the voice of people like me.
If he disputes this, he needs to stop hiding behind his fake persona and state his purpose. And Twitter Safety needs to clarify if they are listening to him. Or any of his cohorts.

Finally, I’d like to know if chaos agent Douglas Matthew Stewart and Conspirador have connected. That would sure explain a few things since Doug Stewart is well acquainted with Erik Prince as well as Louise Mensch and #KassandraSusan.
Could it be that the absolute freak out of this group on Twitter concerning a guy blogging on Substack might be that they are afraid of me? Of what I already know and what I might find out? It’s a mystery. More to come.
Speaking of Psy Group, one of the most common pro-Ukraine memes going around Twitter is Psy Group's graphic (not sure if they still use it) of the cat with the shadow of a lion against the Ukrainian flag colors in the background. It's not similar, it's THE SAME GRAPHIC.
I keep thinking how the current PSYOPs is an outgrowth of the Birther Movement which Trump and Fox News amplified dating back to around 2011, I believe. Before that was the swift boat conspiracies targeting John Kerry. At some point along the way, dirty tricks to win an election transformed into PSYOPs to permanently target and destroy democracies. The forensic history will be interesting.