The Satanic Temple is Not Helping
Well-meaning people are being hoaxed by the anti-semitic cryptofascist who runs it
Note: This article is not a commentary on any religious belief. As I have mentioned before, I have friends and acquaintances with every imaginable belief system, including occultists and both theistic and non-theistic Satanists. For me, you are free to believe literally anything you want, but if you hoax or hurt people, you are fair game.
“Lucien Greaves” was originally a fake character in a parody protest set up by Douglas Misicko (aka Doug Mesner) and Cevin Soling (aka Malcolm Jarry) in 2012 for a fake organization called “The Satanic Temple” (TST).
Over time, TST has morphed into a large, real organization with numerous offshoots and significant power on social media — especially Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. The public relations arm of TST is called “Grey Faction” which espouses “progressive” views on issues like abortion and LGBTQ+ issues, while pushing a very specific agenda laid out on its website.
Grey Faction promotes several harmful lines of false propaganda in addition to loudly connecting Satanism with progressive issues:
Brainwashing, cults and mind control are not real, or vastly overstated
Repressed memories are not real.
TST was behind the propaganda operation “False Memory Syndrome Foundation” until it dissolved
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is not real
The ritual abuse behind the “Satanic Panic” was completely made up as a way to smear Satanists
There is a huge problem of “conspiracy therapists” installing their own beliefs into their clients
All of the above is categorical bullshit and deeply harmful to people who are seeking professional help. TST actively interferes in professional mental health organizations and is trying to erase people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) by claiming their experiences are not real, or somehow “created” by others.
TST is also extremely litigious and sues people it doesn’t like on a regular basis.
Again, most participants in TST and Grey Faction have no idea that the organization they promote is actually an anarchist hoax by a neo-nazi.
Here’s Lucien Greaves in 2003 making very clear who he really is.
CONTENT WARNING: Extremely disturbing anti-semitic, pro-eugenics language
“I’m an Aryan King!”
“Antisemitic to me isn’t a bad word.”
“I think it’s ok to hate Jews if they’re Jewish and wear a stupid fuckin’ frisbee on their head.”
Here is Lucien Greaves on Tucker in January giving him exactly what he wants. This is a LARP, a fake play knowingly put on by both parties to deliver propaganda to Fox viewers to scare them about Satanism.
The other co-founder of TST, Cevin Soling, is also a blatantly obvious anarchist hoaxer who does stuff like create movies about the wonderful benefits of urine.
Soling also says public schools should be abolished and that he is a cargo cult Messiah.
Recently, The Satanic Temple gave Steve Bannon and his fellow propagandists exactly what they want. By loudly suing over abortion, Bannon can now crow about how abortion is really “demonic.” (Laura Aboli is a Kremlin propagandist).
Bannon’s use of TST as a propaganda weapon is deeply ironic considering TST co-founder Douglas Misicko “was adamant in the defense of the ‘free speech’ rights of Milo Yiannopoulos” — who worked for Bannon at Breitbart.
Of course, Milo and Bannon were responsible for amplifying the misogynistic cult GamerGate created and run by Fredrick Brennan, and for transforming it into the alt-right and its equivalent on the left.
Also note that “Weev” was an ally and financial backer of Fredrick Brennan, who himself wrote a pro-eugenics article for Weev’s Nazi website Daily Stormer at the height of GamerGate.
The problem with this sort of deceptive operation is not only that it gives propagandists on the right material to work with, it also does on the left. As I have written about, a significant part of the controlled opposition to QAnon is associated with Satanism and the occult. This is not a coincidence.
Mike Rothschild has been appealing to Satanists for at least three and a half years. Here’s Rothschild on a TST podcast extolling the virtues of QAnon:
This account says Mike Rothschild did an interview with Lucien Greaves sometime prior to October 2020.

Here’s anti-semitic cryptofascist Lucien Greaves congratulating Mike Rothschild on his disinformation book about QAnon.

And here’s Mike Rothschild participating in a panel at the first annual Grey Faction conference with anti-semitic cryptofascist Lucien Greaves in April 2021.
The above “conference” is a psyop — an intentionally deceptive operation to deliver harmful propaganda through a “progressive” LARP. Anyone who was involved in this needs to answer a few questions:
Do you disavow the leadership of TST?
Do you acknowledge that it promotes harmful propaganda?
Do you promise to never associate with it again until it cleans up its act?
I’ll be holding my breath for a response.
Kremlin Cult Conspiracy Theory Complex.
Bernie, The Squad, Satanic Temple, Rothschild.
Putin International Crime Syndicate Controlled Opposition 5th Column, all of 'em.
Authoritarianism is the root of all evil.
The Kremlin is the root of authoritarianism.
Time to get to the Poot root of the problem.
It must feel like you are playing wing-nut wack-a-mole these days. Everywhere you look there are dangerous freaks.