The Swedish Troll at the Center of the "Anti-StewAnon" Cult - “Robin Eriksson”
Robin needs to understand Interpol is a thing
Robin Eriksson is apparently the name of one the psychos who admits to working for the last twenty months to personally tear my life apart and silence my voice. He’s currently raising money from it.
“Keeping Jim Stewartson and his cult-like following in their place since 2021 has required large amounts of time and stew and continues to do so.”
Robin Eriksson is also likely the asshat blanketing my Substack with offensive user names. Robin has apparently had troubles in his life. He claims he got a divorce recently and that is somehow my fault because he was trolling me too hard or something.
Robin is the perfect example of a psychopathic sadist who can “empathize” with his victim in order to find the weakest spot to attack, but feels no consequences from the harm he does at all.
But it also appears Robin lost his job in February and now he’s a “Freelance IT Architect and tech lead.”
I guess being a paid suicide troll qualifies for that.
Robin was not satisfied with his income from “stew” so he came up with another grift, but this one is designed for maximum sympathy. I have no idea whether this is Robin’s dog but this is gross on every level.
You see at the bottom of the screenshot:
“I cannot stop laughing at James A. Stewartson’s…”
Here’s the gofundme page:
Stephanie Kemmerer lives in Belgium. Robin Eriksson lives in Sweden.
Stephanie Kemmerer is also known as @mcpasteface on Twitter. She is a horrendous suicide troll in her own right. She says on her Medium page that she is a “former Sandy Hook denier” but “that urge to make wild, outlandish connections is still there.”
Here is the public donations page for the dog’s eye gofundme. To be clear, Fredrick Brennan is legally and financially motivated to destroy my life, because Fredrick Brennan has been lying for his entire life about the crimes he and others have committed and knows he’s in the process of getting caught for it.
Brennan has been running controlled opposition for QAnon with Mike Rothschild, Travis View, Doug Stewart, David Gilbert and hundreds of suicide trolls since 2019.
Robin is just one of those trolls. His 168 followers are all part of the network.
This group of bad actors has intentionally infected the media with a false narrative about QAnon which is currently in the process of crumbling down. That’s why they’re no longer even trying to hide their attacks.

Unlike Robin, I reveal as little as possible in order to make my point. I doubt I’ve made it yet with him, but the door knock from Interpol might.
#ArrestQ #ArrestMikeFlynn
Damn, what is wrong with this Eurotrash meddling in American politics? What a f**ing nightmare world the billionaire set has made of American life in their relentless drive to ensure an end to US democracy and their ability to ensure America remains an unregulated tax haven that can impose a never ending financial trickling up of what is left of the middle classes once substantial wealth.
With regards to Dave Gilbert, he works for VICE Media (not to be confused with VICE TV) somewhere along the line, it is likely VICE became compromised. This story came out in March, 2020: "Vice Media secretly organised $20m Saudi government festival - Youth media company organised March 2020 event despite pledge to stop all work in Saudi Arabia"