For two years, I have sought out the truth about QAnon — who is responsible for it and what its true purpose was. As I have described many times, QAnon used alternate reality game techniques that I helped pioneer for entertainment to psychologically attack people. Therefore, I have considered it my responsibility and my duty to use my experience to expose it.
Along the way, I have endured an extraordinary coordinated harassment campaign to silence and discredit me. For a long time, I tried to figure out what was really going on. But it comes down to this simple cliché:
The truth hurts.
As I have meticulously documented, we are in a full-scale psychological war with enemies of American democracy led by traitors with the full support and cooperation of Vladimir Putin.
Exposing the horror we are all experiencing for what it really is damages the narratives of people who are incentivized to keep it obscured. The #LIARS in #RealBlueAnon that have spent two years attacking me are doing it for one reason.
The truth fucking hurts.
Sorry trolls, but you put yourselves in this situation. You are responsible for your own decisions. The truth is the truth no matter how how frantically you try to spin it. Trying to cover up for the fascist insurgency on the verge of topping democracy is going to get you hurt — by the truth. This is war, as you digital soldiers all know.
So you all have a choice right now, you can continue your LARPs in the project to cover up for transnational criminals OR you can be a hero and come clean. Who will be the first to shut down your account and start explaining why you did what you did?
While I have plenty of evidence for my legal case, another first hand witness would be helpful. So, if the truth hurts too much for any of you, feel free to reach out. 🏴☠️
WARNING: Ruscism on the rise!
WANTED: People willing to scream Kremlin as fuck!
Talk to Jim Matt D.