There is an Elephant in the Room
How the media and the government has been blinded and then blinds the rest of us
The essential problem with our current national dialogue is that the media and the government are ignoring the Kremlin elephant in the room.
We are being attacked. We all feel it. We live through waves of intentionally distorted narratives that make it almost impossible to pick out reality. The propaganda and psyops are so thick that the “normal” media ends up being the main carrier wave for them.
There are, quite literally, tens of millions of casualties of this attack — people lost to a death cult, whose realities have been intentionally broken and whose empathy has been replaced with rage.
We all know them by now, our relatives, neighbors and friends who have been stolen and sucked into a vortex of hate that wears down their ability to reason… and to love. This trauma, this ache for a normal Thanksgiving with our family again, the desire to go to the park or the grocery store and not be confronted by cult members, is being ignored.
The media and the government is stuck in a loop where they report on the symptoms of this attack but never acknowledge the people responsible or the purpose of it.
In short, our discourse about all of this is entirely fucked.
I did a Twitter Space yesterday where we talked a a lot about this. It’s 2 1/2 hours long and we covered a lot of ground. It’s recorded and, other than the random Marianne Williamson fan that tried to filibuster for a minute, it was a great discussion. You might find it of value.

We must continue to be vocal about this. The people engaging in this intentional process of mentally kidnapping our citizens and loved ones have turned themselves into an informational third rail. There is a massive blind spot in the press and seemingly our justice and law enforcements systems about bringing Kremlin assets like Mike Flynn to justice.
For some more information about how all of this actually works please see our latest episode of Radicalized Pod where we discussed in detail how the Kremlin agenda has been grafted onto the the American right.
Alexandar Mihailovic is professor emeritus of comparative literature and Russian at Hofstra University and visiting professor at Bennington College. His books include The Mitki and the Art of Postmodern Protest in Russia, Corporeal Words: Mikhail Bakhtin’s Theology of Discourse, and an edited volume, Tchaikovsky and His Contemporaries: A Centenary Symposium.
Thanks Jim. I have to admit I dropped for a bit when 'Mike' was going on and on about Marianne Williamson and the Biden family. I appreciate both that you did let him speak for a bit, but then moderated.
Keep shouting from the rooftops! I amplify online and talk to my friends IRL.
It is a media “blind spot” but far from an unintentional oops. The right-wing owns our media, including your dear old local newspaper. Journalists won’t ever admit this because they all consider themselves independent crusaders. But I used to be one of them, so I know all the lies they tell themselves to sleep at night.