You may have noticed a bit of a theme lately on my Substack, which is that there is a lot of complaining going on in Flynn’s QAnon+ cult. This is nothing new of course, they whine and play victim all the time. It is their way of life. But it’s just science that the more heat you put on them, the more they lash out like the repressed children they really are underneath.
This goes equally for the QAnon+ cult itself and the controlled opposition which is assigned to pretend to be against QAnon while they work to cover it up. #LIARS #RealBlueAnon
I will call this escalating fake victimhood #TheWeepening.
Trump’s troubles have just begun of course. Everyone knows he’s toast but he’s not going to stop whining until his microscopic heart gives out. Apparently 35 of his co-conspirators got a door knock yesterday.
Congress and the DOJ are circling Flynn and his entire treasonous family and they know it, which is why they sent the runt of the litter, Joe #FredoFlynn, to troll me on Substack, and why they got me deplatformed on Twitter and YouTube. It’s also why Mike and Joe are freaking out about the documentaries coming out about him. And why they worked so hard to censor mine.
The nice part about #TheWeepening is that the more they cry, the more they confess. I cannot emphasize enough how much of a confession this is. “I have totally done QAnon in other countries, so you should believe me that the government did it” is quite a pill to swallow.
Now, the ops are blatantly merging together for what they think is the Great Battle of 2022. Bannon is running open psyops out of his podcast with the Flynns while he has been found guilty of two separate felonies. Yet they all walk free.
Here are the truths they are all trying to cover up:
Flynn is Putin’s General and has been for a decade
Flynn ran MAGA3X, Pizzagate, QAnon, the Big Lie and numerous other “disinformation campaigns and PSYOP” against citizens of the United States
Flynn’s entire family, including his four-star brother Charlie, is engaged in the project of destroying American democracy
All of Flynn’s operatives are increasingly angry, including this guy who’s event charging $911 to listen to traitors pretending to mourn 9/11 got canceled by “woke leftists.” 😏
I’m afraid the #TheWeepening has just begun. But your humble correspondent will be here to both report and enjoy every drop. 😋
The Weepening 😁
Fascist tears... the new holy water...