Several hours later they finally mention Flynn. Thanks, CNN!
Phil Waldron is a psychological operations specialist who worked for Mike Flynn in Afghanistan. Phil Waldron was in Flynn’s inner circle during the lead up to the insurrection. Waldron is Mike Flynn’s operative.
But no one will say his name. Is it because the Flynns sued CNN last year for $75M and included my tweets? You scared, CNN?
Flynn is the one who signed off on the final draft of the memo that Waldron sent around to everyone, including Mark Meadows.
They can’t ignore the treasonous elephant in the room forever.
Exhibit V: Email Phil Waldron to Mark Meadows Dec 22
"Ref our conversation in your office yesterday, this is the Nat'l Asset Tasking request to support EO13848.
The resultant info will be critical for POTUS & ODNI to complete the req'd investigation."
MINDF©️K @gal_suburban
wait, what!!? ;)
As Arwa Mahdawi in the Guardian, "the new ‘objective’ CNN appears to be making itself objectively rightwing." With scumbag Chris Licht in charge at the network I no longer believe anything they say politically as the underlying fascist loving agenda to make a buck by courting the right is now out in the open.