Tracy “Beanz” Diaz: The Creation of a Russian Propagandist
How a pipeline of money makes its way from Putin to the American right
Tracy “Beanz” Diaz (née Severino) has been a Russian propagandist for more than a decade. Tracy is currently employed full-time by Mike Flynn and is on the Board of his seditionist non-profit “America’s Future.” She also runs his Telegram channel and has access to his finances. She helped start “Q” in 2017 and ran it for Flynn and Roger Stone for more than six months.
Tracy Diaz’s record of “activism” over the last decade is purely and simply Vladimir Putin’s agenda. But, why? I wanted to understand what makes her tick — and who pays her. No one actively engages in psychological warfare on behalf of an enemy nation-state for years and years without a reason.
Spoiler alert: Here is the simple formula that makes Tracy Diaz do what she does:
Russian Money → Mercer’s Laundry → Peter Thiel → [Middleman] → Tracy Diaz
The middleman has changed many times but the rest of this formula has been consistent. To be clear, I have no idea if Tracy Diaz and Peter Thiel have even met, but it does not matter a bit. What matters is where the money comes from and why.
One of the primary tactics of Russian propagandists is that no one can “prove” they are working for Putin. That’s because the money is laundered through proxies who share Putin’s totalitarian worldview and radical sociopathy. Like Robert Mercer and Peter Thiel.
Peter Thiel plays with Mercer’s laundered Russian money
Robert Mercer’s record of “investments” is clear. He has funded a series of money-losing ventures that only serve to weaken global liberal democracy and benefit Vladimir Putin. For a review of some of the tactics Mercer uses to actually launder Russian money through his hedge funds, please see this article:
Here are a few of the entities and people Mercer has directly invested in that are relevant to our focus:
Ron & Rand Paul
Tea Party
Manhattan Institute
Cambridge Analytica / SCL / Emerdata
Nigel Farage / Brexit
Steve Bannon
Erik Prince
Peter Thiel
Donald Trump
Mike Flynn
If nothing else will convince you the Mercers and Putin are allied, please note that it was the Mercers who insisted on the worst traitor in American history, Putin’s General, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn, as National Security Adviser.
The Mercers, of course, funded Steve Bannon’s adventures in white supremacy for many years, including Breitbart — which leveraged GamerGate into the alt-right — and Cambridge Analytica, which helped create the psyops that stole the 2016 US election and scared Britain into shooting its own foot off in Brexit.
Peter Thiel is an existential threat to civilization
In 2009, Peter Thiel wrote:
Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.
The same year he wrote that article he funded a young videographer named James O’Keefe $30,000 to run a fake “sting” on an activist get-out-the-vote group called ACORN. Of course, James O’Keefe went on to become one of the most prolific right-wing propagandists in the world through his Erik Prince funded operation Project Veritas.
Once Peter Thiel publicly declared war on democracy, he never stopped. He helped fund the Tea Party along with vulture capitalist Paul Singer (a major investor in Twitter and Chairman of the Manhattan Institute) and Robert Mercer.
While Thiel was funding the Tea Party, he was also funding “Putin’s New Best Friend” Ron Paul. Tracy Diaz worked on Ron Paul’s campaigns for many years.
The Mercers and Peter Thiel have never stopped working together to spend Putin’s money on anti-democratic psyops and political fuckery. They are funding the most disruptive, fascist candidates they can find, for example. The goal is to plant operatives in Congress who will cause chaos and vote in the interests of billionaires and Vladimir Putin.
Of course normal political shenanigans are insufficient so they have to create secret clubs to fund their ops.
It’s very important to understand that Erik Prince and Peter Thiel are very close ‘friends’ and tightly coordinate their operations.
Erik Prince and the Mercers are also close and cooperate on anti-democratic projects including funding the theft of the 2016 election.
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
Tracy Diaz loves anything funded by Peter Thiel and Russia
Ron Paulski
Let’s start with Ron Paul. Tracy worked on the periphery of Ron Paul campaigns for many years which culminated in her putting on an ill-conceived and sparsely attended “festival” for Paul in 2012. One of the organizers was Oathkeepers head Stewart Rhodes. Time stamped below at 29:00.
Here is Tracy Diaz singing at her failed Ron Paul festival. I apologize in advance.
Tracy was part of the “Liberty” movement that actively sought out to convert disillusioned leftists into right-wing goldbugs and push anarchy as a solution to their problems. See this description for a documentary about it.
Many have thrown in the towel on trying to change "the system" through playing by its rules -rejecting politics, campaigns, and even voting. They have transferred the energies once directed towards the political playing field toward strategies such as self-reliance, self-governance, and self-sustainability. However, the most hard core Anarcho-capitalists, Agorists, Voluntaryists, Tea Party Members, OathKeepers, Anonymous members (and their supporters), The Occupy Movement, Militia Members, Military Veterans, liberty loving statists, and liberty loving anarchists can all find a common ground in the one love they share: liberty. Can they be united once more? help us find the solutions, strategies, and alternatives that are needed now more than ever. In the final chapter of the film we will examine what some of the most prominent minds within the liberty movement have done, are now doing, and are planning to do to further the cause. This documentary will create a general consensus of where the future of the movement is headed, but more than that: Liberty will provide a clear path towards a bright and hopeful future where the spark of freedom can blaze within us all and ignite a fire of change that will spread across the nation to finally ensure "liberty, and justice for all".
This movement included a wide variety of fascists, propagandists and Russian ops, like Rhodes, Luke Rudkowski from Infowars, recently deceased Russian propagandist Robert David Steele, and Tracy Diaz. Ron Paul was their avatar because he was unabashed about his support for Putin.
It became even more extreme over time and began to incorporate neo-nazis like Chris Cantwell and 3D gun printing pioneer Cody Wilson. They were laundered by Russian propagandists like “Tatiana Moroz” at “Anarchopulco.”
You may be shocked that Cody Wilson was funded by Peter Thiel.
After Tracy Diaz’s failure to break through on the Ron Paul campaign, she became a big Trump fan and claims this made her persona non grata in the Liberty movement.
Pizzagate pioneer Tracy Diaz
What is clear from her own Youtube channel is that Tracy Diaz was hired to promote Russian propaganda, full-time, starting in Summer 2016 before the election. She just happened to be right on the scene to broadcast in real-time when the whole Guccifer 2, Wikileaks, Pizzagate, stolen election thing went down.
“Guccifer just sent out a tweet 15 minutes ago.”
— Tracy Diaz, 10/4/16
After the election, Tracy Diaz was a big part of creating and pushing the Pizzagate psyop in cooperation with Peter Thiel’s PAC called MAGA3X that was run by Mike Flynn, Jeff Giesea, Jack Posobiec and bunch of other Russia-sympathizing neo-nazis. MAGA3X then went on to create QAnon.
2/4/2017, pure Pizzagate/QAnon:
Tracy Diaz was “MegaAnon”
Kim Dotcom is a neo-nazi convicted felon who lives in New Zealand and does Russian propaganda full-time. He founded “Megaupload” and was involved in the “Internet Party” which created a bunch of chaos and not much more. He’s also deeply involved in the Russian campaign to “#FreeAssange.”
Here is Tracy Diaz pushing Kim Dotcom on her Youtube channel for the first time on 5/20/17:
Three days later the 4chan account “MegaAnon” — which identified as female — started. It was a racist, antisemitic, violent LARP that pushed Kim Dotcom.
It was run by Tracy Diaz — who confirmed her own identity when MegaAnon posted a picture of female feet in Tracy Diaz’s kitchen.
It will not be a surprise that Peter Thiel — who managed to get citizenship to New Zealand despite having hardly spent any time there — was an early funder and supporter of Kim Dotcom.
Tracy Diaz helped create and run QAnon for Mike Flynn
Mike Flynn was “Q.” It was always his LARP, but he needed people to do the work of creating the content and promoting it for him. Tracy Diaz was one of them.
Her first broadcast about “Q” was five days after it started, when no one — no one — was talking about it. Tracy has removed the video but here it is from 11/3/2017:
This video went viral and two days later “Q” changed the board it lived on to match the name of her video — which was a phrase from a Q drop: “Q Clearance Patriot.”
The same day David Wilcock, an incredibly dangerous propagandist, infamous for conspiracy theories incorporating “lizard people,” pedophiles, evil Jews, UFOs, etc. cited MegaAnon’s approval of “Q” as a reason to trust it.
Tracy Diaz is largely responsible for moving “Q” from 4chan to 8chan, in cooperation with Jim and Ron Watkins, in December 2017. She also started the Reddit board that greatly expanded its reach and organized Patriots Soapbox and Discord servers to grift from “Q” and fill Mike Flynn’s defense fund with its cult members’ money.
This is the trailer for her Youtube channel. It was created while “Q” was dark over the 2017-18 holidays.
1/1/18: “We are the Storm.” (This is one of the phrases that helped convince a bunch of QAnon cultists, like Ashli Babbitt, to go kill and be killed at the Capitol three years later.)
Here’s Tracy Diaz one week later going over Q drops with Council for National Policy member Jerome Corsi, who worked with Roger Stone and introduced Roger to Guccifer 2 — which Tracy covered in real-time.
Here are Tracy Diaz and Christina Urso aka “Radix” from Patriots Soapbox telling Donald Trump “We are Q. We started the whole thing” in April 2018.
Tracy Diaz, Jerome Corsi and Patriots Soapbox were kicked to the curb by new management of “Q,” which included “PrayingMedic” Dave Hayes, Ann Vandersteel and others — in Summer 2018.
However, Tracy had a plan. She transformed from being a voice for “Q” to being a voice for Flynn.
Here are just a sample of her podcast episodes with members the Flynn family and others in his corrupt orbit.
In December 2020, almost immediately after MikeFlynn got pardoned, less than an month before the insurrection, Tracy Diaz’s house had a fire. Tracy’s house was insured but nonetheless Mike Flynn raised $200,000 for her within a few days. Tracy was verklempt, of course.
Now, I’m not casting doubt on this fire or anything, it’s just that every single thing about it is suspicious as fuck.
Here’s Tracy Diaz with Patrick Byrne a few days after “The Meeting” on December 18th at the White House with Flynn’s people, White House lawyers, Rudy Giuliani and Trump.
Here’s Tracy Diaz pushing Flynn’s lies at CPAC a few months later:
Now, as of yesterday 4/27/22, Tracy “Beanz” Diaz is back on Twitter — and guess what? She’s posting Russian propaganda trying to cover up for her boss’s crimes.

Conclusion: Tracy Diaz is a Russian op
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, this is the pipeline for Russian money to Tracy Diaz. She is not alone by a long shot:
Russian Money → Mercer’s Laundry → Peter Thiel → [Middleman] → Tracy Diaz
Let’s review the middlemen:
Ron Paul
The “Liberty movement”
Kim Dotcom
Patriots Soapbox
Mike Flynn
Each of these “middlemen” is a Russian propaganda distributor funded by Peter Thiel who is using Robert Mercer’s money which is laundered from Vladimir Putin.
Tracy Diaz may not get paid in Rubles but for more than a decade she has bathed in Putin’s blood money. She needs to be stopped along with the rest of Flynn’s cult.
Excellent work again.
So much to unpack here.
How did she get back on Twitville? I listened to the videos you shared of Diaz. She doesn't seem very intelligent just like the rest of her clan. Vapid Florida swamp rats more like. But they are clever at identifying political shifts and opportunities aided and abetted by their handlers very early on. The fact that they felt so emboldened and righteous in their destruction of democracy and other people is pathetic and dangerous. Why wasn't this revealed before it got to this criminal level? It had to reach the level of war in Ukraine to even make a dent in their funding and destruction.