Tucker Platforms Nazi Kremlin Propagandist from Rumble
Jackson Hinkle got called up to the big leagues
Rumble is Peter Thiel’s personal video platform. He “invested” in it last year and it has both exploded in size and influence and gotten more and more blatant about its intentions.
Rumble is almost entirely propaganda at this point, with the majority specifically benefiting the Kremlin. This is not an accident, nor is it an organic phenomenon of any kind. Here are some of the “Editors Picks” — a menagerie of fascists, Russian assets, QAnon accounts and neo-nazi bigots.
This evening, this “Editor’s Pick” was on the front page of Rumble.
I recently noticed Rumble puts all of Jackson Hinkle’s livestreams on the front page for some reason. It’s almost like Rumble is a training ground for Fox. But Hinkle is a particularly virulent specimen even for Rumble, totally unapologetic about his Putin worship — the opening to his show is 3 minutes of clips of Putin strutting around — or his white nationalism.
Here’s yesterday’s episode:
This is really all Jackson Hinkle does — undiluted Kremlin neo-nazi propaganda. Here is the day before yesterday:
Here’s the interview with Jackson Hinkle and #FishstickNazi Tucker Carlson on Fox News. It’s hard to imagine any more dangerous poison to allow on cable television.
I have officially left Twitter for Jimmer.
It’s important to know that Hinkle came from the Bernie podcasting (via YouTube) world. He is very young, I’d from Orange County, CA & was 100% a Bernie person. But part of that Jimmy Dore “all democrats suck” part of the “left”.
There’s an entire faction *within* the Bernie wing of the Dem party that despises the Dem party more than the GOP, despises Hillary Clinton (“she and the DNC stole the Dem nomination from Bernie in 2016!” -- they believe this lie), Bernie did nothing to stop that narrative, he also stayed in the race way past any mathematical possibility that he could defeat Hillary, promising a “contested convention” at the DNC convention in Philly that year.
That divide continues to this far. Hinkle is that “leftist”, faction aligned with Jimmy Dore, “The Convo Couch” (one of the hosts of the Convo Couch moved to Moscow and works for RT), Brihana Joy Gray (Bernie’s former press secretary, Jill stein lover & hater of the Dem party), Greenwald, Max Blumenthal (Grayzone), Aaron Mate, Rania Kalek, Katie Halper, Matt Tiabbi, etc.
All of these ppl are also gigantic supporters of Julian Assange. I could go on & on about these fools.