There is a group of people dedicated to trashing me personally and carrying the water of disinformation actors and fascists. Almost like it’s their job. I’m just going to catalog a few of them to give everyone an idea of what I have to deal with.
This is Travis View… er Logan Strand — or someone so far up Logan’s ass he has taken up residence. Travis was one of the first people I naively reached out to 18 months ago assuming he was sincere about stopping QAnon.
Ever since he’s been doing this.
This fucking asshole retweeted me for a long time until I said something he didn’t like about his frens. Now he does this.
All of these people are LARPs, especially Karma who I have literally never interacted with but she put me on some sort of block list and talks shit about me constantly. Given her identity, it’s a weird move.
This motherfucker spent an entire year making shit up about me personally and announced his retirement from trolling me after my last suspension.
Apparently “He’s your problem now” was short-lived and he renewed his contract for another month or whatever. Here he makes stuff up about “API fuckery” which is what people who have no idea what they’re talking about say when they are lying about technical stuff. “That’s my new theory.” 🙄
“I knew I recognized that Twitter avi somewhere” is from nearly a year ago when he was one of the despicable psychos that attacked my volunteer group.
This asshat is just a cheap, paid troll who needs to get a real job.
LMFAO. This dude can’t quit me. All of this is literal nonsense.
OMG you utter clown. 😂
Then there’s this special psycho, who was apparently one of the anon Berners who got mad and decided to work for the other side. She picks leftist movements to infiltrate and then starts attacking people. Look her up on the Wayback Machine.
I replied to one of her tweets because she is literally insane and obsessed with lying about me. I did not unblock her to do so. I didn’t need to. There’s a thing on Twitter where you can “See blocked tweet”
I have to give it to her. She is the best sealion I’ve seen on Twitter tho. Arf arf.
Also, she’s right. It doesn’t link to “hundreds of lies.” It’s tens of thousands now. I’ve archived the entire spectacle. Every tweet. Every lie. Every op. All the socks and trolls and networks.
Here’s some more. There are two possibilities here. KassandraSeven inherited a lot of money and she’s obsessed with me and can afford to sit around for 12 hours a day to tweet about me personally or someone is paying her. Which is it Kassandra?
Here’s Mike Rothschild who larps as a “writer” who can’t write and never does anything but attack people that don’t fit the false narrative he wants everyone to believe. A year ago, Mike took a thread that I wrote about the tragedy of children who are being raised by cult members and said I was planning on “kidnapping“ children.
He also mentioned my “interview” with 60 Minutes because he was desperately spreading rumors about me to every journalist he could find.
Here’s Mike continuing to spread this disgusting lie a year later.
Mike gave up on calling me antisemitic when he learned half of my family are Jewish.
Here’s some more. We’ll talk about the disinfo he’s spreading soon. He has a very clear agenda for the “Q research community” — to ensure it never figures out the truth about who and what is responsible for QAnon and the global Cult it created.
KassandraSeven has disturbing obsessive behavior:
Neil Gaiman (the real one) retweeted Heidi (tweet about freeing you)The troll with the Magritte avi is pissed about that.